Floating Floc Meeting Minutes

Spring 2009 Minutes

February 20, 2009


  • Goal revisions
  • Final decision on the setup for the relevant literature page: Title, Summary, Link to URL or PDF.

Sand group

  • Met with Monroe to setup the Process Control.
  • Completely setup the Process Control for their setup.

Bubble group

  • AutoCAD drawing
  • Created an airtight bubble system
  • Wrote meeting minutes


Sand sub team

  • The sand filter is almost complete except for an additional hole in the flow accumulator for the initial DO probe.
  • Calibrated the two DO probes for the sand filter setup to measure the DO content before and after the water flow through the sand layer.
  • Completion of the diagram of the sand filter.

Bubble sub team

  • Met on Thursday, Friday, Monday and Wednesday to work on setting up the cylinder contraption.
  • Added and labeled all tubes for the cylinder bubble contraption
  • Replaced the O ring for the air stone
  • Fixed water leak
  • Added an O ring to the lid valve
  • Fixed air leak
  • Met with Monroe
  • Nearly exploded the system with Monroe in the room
  • Added another pressure sensor to the air rotameter
  • Replaced some tubes with smaller ones


Sand team

  • The sand filter group will meet on Saturday to do the first run with the new and completed setup.

Bubble team

  • Learned about how DO probes work
  • Working system
  • Should be able to begin actual experiments later this week barring any catastrophes


  • The sand filter setup need another hole 3/8" for another DO probe for the initial DO reading.
  • Both subgroups need to complete the summaries of relevant literature before the next Meeting Minutes.
  • Need another pump head for bubbles
  • Have to get the conversion for the air flow meter from Monroe
  • No labels