Floating Floc Meeting Minutes

Spring 2009 Minutes

February 13, 2009


  • The group met on Tuesday at 7:00pm and Wednesday at 12:20pm.
  • Aeration subteam met on Thursday at 10:30 am.
  • Wrote meeting minutes
  • Backwash Sand Filter Subteam met on Thursday at 7:30pm to brainstorm on the semester goals & tentative experimental approaches.


  • Broke up into two subteams, one focusing on a sand filter approach and the other, aeration.
  • Determined subteam members based on available meeting times.
  • Spoke to Monroe about the sand filter experimental set up.
  • Spoke to Paul Charles about the structure of the aeration experimental set up.
  • Obtained parts and probes for the sand filter and aeration experimental set up.
  • Discussed how the aeration subteam could simulate water entering the grit chamber under atmospheric pressure.
  • Reviewed Easy Data software with Monroe and configured the DO probe and pressure sensor.
  • Discussed drafting up an AutoCAD drawing of the set up.


  • The aeration experimental set up is almost complete.
  • Semester goals for Backwash Sand Filter is almost complete.
  • Backwash Sand Filter Subteam request an appointment with Monroe


  • What sand to use for the Backwash Sand Filter?
  • Scaling issue about flow rate into the filter.
  • No labels