Created by user-9cca3, last modified by user-62ec8 on Jul 25, 2009
Design Meeting Minutes
Summer 2009 Minutes
- Finished coding the new weirs at the end of the inlet and exit channels
Horizontal Flow Group
- Reviewed current code for flocculator
- Noted any values that would potentially need to be changed to allow horizontal flow
- What inhibits the design from just being an 'if' statement that for the most part rotates the tank 90 degrees?
Goals for Upcoming Week
- Meet with Monroe to discuss ideas and more theory behind switch
Floc Hopper Group
- Worked more on MtoA code for floc hopper. Added array code and fixed incorrect code.
- Unsure of whether to place floc hopper at the entrance or the exit of the sedimentation tank.
- Still need to figure out correct placement of floc hopper.
Goals for upcoming week
- Will email Monroe with our question about floc hopper placement.
- Finish the MtoA code.
Floc Tank Group
- Discovered that ports are not in fact taking up the whole height of the floc tank, but rather are drawing in the negative direction
- Baffle spacing is currently too small and must be changed so as to ensure the width and height calculations of the ports come out to be positive
Goals for upcoming week
- Ensure that a minimum baffle spacing is achieved
- Draw slots for the baffles
Materials List Group
- Made changes to wiki page based on Midterm report feedback
- Corrected calculations for floc baffles and inlet chimneys
- Finished calculations for all piping
- The next step is pricing, but the pricing document is in Spanish. We contacted Monroe - Matt and Nadia plan to help us with this.
Goals for upcoming week
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