Design Team Meeting Minutes
Spring 2009 Minutes
April 3, 2009
- Held a meeting with Monroe and the people in Honduras. It was a basic Q&A session and helped clear up a lot of things so we can proceed. (notes can be found on the Tasks page linked at the bottom)
- Team members continued to work on their individual tasks.
- Decided that ports between channels will be located at the top of the wall instead of the bottom
- Sludge drain dimensions will be constrained so that they must be able to cover a 3-4" pipe
- The flocculator program has been changed & updated so each channel will have the same spacing. The channels have also been updated so the ports between channels match the spacing between baffles.
- This program is currently being reviewed by Monroe.
- A floc channel drain was also added to the program, as well as alternating ports on the bottom of the lower baffles for the tank to drain.
- Chemical stock tanks need to be changed so that a volume and dimensions are given. This will give engineers the option of using barrels or building tanks.
- In order to determine baffle thickness the baffle area needs to be included
Any Overall Team Comments:
Continued division of tasks can be found here