Name of Individual

Name of Organization

Contact Information

Description of Relationship

Jessica Traynor

College of Engineering Alumni Affairs, Associate Director of Alumni affairs and development 255 carpenter Hall, (607)254-7122

Has offered to help us out with raising money/ giving us advice and anything else we need. She travels a lot and has offered to take AguaClara brochures with her wherever she goes so as soon as we design new brochures we should give her copies. Elena C might with her this Spring and here is the notes from the meeting.\\

Melissa Kim

Sustainable Enterprise Association

President of SEA. We have been working this semester to collaborate with SEA. There were numerous meetings between the outreach team and SEA. They are mostly excited about AguaClara but for various reasons nothing tangible was ever accomplished this semester. We should try and recruit some SEA members for next year as well as continuing to work with them.

Bernardo Menezes

Solar Decathlon leader


M eng student with experience running a project team. Helped get us started this semester and would be happy to give us advice in the future (graduates in December 08). 


Cornell Reunion\\

We are trying to arrange a presentation for June 5-8th 2008

Kate Duch

Student trustee

Student-elected trustee who is helping us to arrange a presentation at the Trustee Council meeting in October.

Mary Faber and Andrea Gibbs

Program assistants for Trustee Council Weekend,

Program assistants who are planning on arranging a presentation for us at the Trustee Council Meeting.\\

Larry Harrington

CIIFAD Professor


AguaClara Board of Advisors

Alice Pell

Director of CIIFAD


Lucy Fisher

Outreah Director ofCIIFAD


Maya Gasuk

Cornell Fund

Director of the Cornell Annual Fund. Has offered to help us and even edit grants.  Link to the emails that she sent me:

Jan Katz

International Business Proffessor

Elena B's Prof interested in providing assistance

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