Notes from the TSI Administrative Team Meeting, Sept. 17, 2015

Attending: Xin, Bob, Kate, Jim


  1. TSI issues for the upcoming 2CUL Steering Committee were discussed.
  2. Xin and Bob support the JSMIN recommendations for mainstreaming TSI January 2016 and realize there are financial and time costs associated.  Bob noted the usefulness of keeping the TSI leadership and working group structures in place for the purpose of evaluation, assessment, and support for continued collaborative work.
  3. The pivot to "strategic alliance" in place of initiatives was endorsed. 
  4. The nature and even the feasibility of an alliance will be very much determined by decisions made over the ILS.  The same choice would strengthen the alliance.  A different choice would cause a natural shift to new partnerships.  Different systems would also make most identified initiatives more difficult or impossible, e.g., POOF, selector work, e-resource negotiation. Different timing would also harm the alliance as one partner's time would be consumed with migration issues.  E-resources and Non-MARC Metadata work might survive as that work is largely outside the ILS but there would still need to be a commitment to supporting those teams financially for meetings and in helping them overcome divisional barriers.
  5. The team started a discussion of gains and losses.  It was recognized that more than TSI would suffer losses if the alliance breaks.  This question will be sent to the 2CUL Steering Committee for advance reflection.
  6. Jim and Kate will send out another Occasional Report prior to the Steering Committee meeting.




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