Created by user-7ca00, last modified by user-59276 on Nov 30, 2008
Linear Flow Orifice Meter Goals
Fall 2008
- Carefully scrutinize mathcad code controlling design of the linear orifice flow meter. (Oct 3)
- Research and document the intricacies of the sutro wier to improve mimicry. (Oct 3)
- Create a more robust algorithm for designing the LFOM in Mathcad. (Dec 5)
- Study the failure point of the device, design and experiment with a new experimental linear flow orifice meter of reduced diameter (Oct 20)
- Update scientific paper to reflect the calculations preformed in the mathcad file, describe what is going on in design(Dec 5)
- Have quality rough draft of scientific paper ready for monroe to review (dec 5)
- Update wiki for final review (end of semester)