Project: Photoshoot

Basic Details

The idea of the Photoshoot was to provide the Aguaclara team with professional headshots, not only for the Aguaclara Wiki page, but also for personal professional use. The PR team set aside two hours (2:30 - 4:30 PM) for four days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) to hold a photoshoot to take professional photos of the team members. The team members were able to sign up for a certain time with the Excel spreadsheet that was sent out a week beforehand. This year, a PR member, Andrew Kang, lent out his camera for the photoshoot. If no one has a camera available, both Uris and Olin Library allow people to rent out cameras. The team members were required to wear the Aguaclara polo shirts for the professional head shot, but were allowed to wear professional attire for their own personal professional use. Before taking the head shot, each team members were required to sign a release form permitting Aguaclara to have use of the photos. After 4:30 PM, the photographer would put away all polo shirts and release forms back into the box, then proceed to bring it downstairs to the cabinet in the labratory. 

Example Head shots of the PR team: Andrew Kang (left) and Research Advisor Erika Axe (right)

What Has Been Completed So Far

The entire photoshoot has been finished. Release forms have been signed and collected. 

Next Steps of the Project

Now, the PR team will look over the release forms and coincide it with the photos taken of that team member to ensure that everyone was accounted for. The photographs will be uploaded into the PR folder in Google Drive, so that everyone on the team will have access to their head shots, as well as their own personal professional head shots. With the professional head shot, team members will edit their Wiki page, under Team Roster, and upload the head shot.

Any Problems Currently Being Faced

The only problems were some people missed their initial appointments. However, due to the flexibility and availability of the volunteers, the PR team was able to get everyone their head shots before the photoshoot was over. 

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