Project: Event Planning

Basic Details

The PR team is responsible for the representation of Aguaclara on campus, so the best way to spread Aguaclara's name is to set up events for any Cornell student, even non-members of Aguaclara. These events are organized to help recruitment, campus presence, and overall image of Aguaclara. The PR team is working vigorously to plan out events for the semester coming up, when the weather is warmer and the events can be held outside. Planning for Spring semester events must be organized and planned before the spring semester comes around because there are many other oganizations/ project teams in Cornell University that will be planning events. World Water Week starts on March 22nd and will continue on throughout the week. This is the week that we are planning most of Aguaclara events. The PR team discussed what events Aguaclara will have planned for that week, as well as which other organization Aguaclara will collaborate with to make World Water Week an eventful week. There are many other organizations with the same ideals as Aguaclara such as, Take Back the Tap, CUSD, Concrete Canoe, CUAV, Global Health, ECO, and many more. Some of the events the PR team has brainstormed are Handprint Event, a school-wide Blue Out, a Photocampaign, a Conference/Colloquium, and Water Walks/ Relays. 

What Has Been Completed So Far

The PR team has brainstormed a lot of ideas for events in the Spring Semester. One event is the Handprint event, where it will have a big picture with an outline of a water droplet on it, which passing students will be able to make a handprint on with blue paint. The idea is to spread awareness of World Water Week and Aguaclara. An ideal place would be an outside venue such as Ho Plaza, or the Arts quad. Another event is the Blue Out, where the PR team tries to get a poster or an article in the Cornell Sun to advise everyone to wear blue to honor World Water Week. One of the biggest events the PR team is trying to plan is the Conference/Colloquium. This is a huge event because this is a chance for students who aspire to work with water/ evironment, to come listen and ask questions to guest speakers who are professionals in that field. With the help of ECO, Aguaclara can get guest speakers and even Cornell Alumni, who worked in the Atkinson's Center, to speak to Cornell students. 

Next Steps of the Project

The PR team needs to contact Cornell Event Planning to set up dates, places, and times for our events. These events will require funding so Aguaclara will need to be clear with SFC funding(?). The PR team has to make an organized schedule of these events to make sure that the events run smoothly. The PR team will have to make a lot of calls to book venues and dates, permission from Cornell University to allow these events, and receive enough volunteers/ participation from the team members and students. The PR team is looking for organizations that will help contribute to the event planning for World Water Week. The PR team goal is to have a venue/ date for a couple of the events for World Water Week by the end of Fall Semester. 

Any Problems Currently Being Faced

There is a lot of planning and organizing needed to plan all these events, and with two members in the PR team, it seems nearly impossible. The PR team is two Cornell students, who still need to balance school work and plan these huge events for Spring Semester. The PR team will have to call upon other organizations as well as team members to help them plan out these events. 

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