Inputs Needed to Call the Flocculation Tank Program
HFloc - Height of the flocculator tank
HFlocPort - Height of the floc port
HInletChannel - Height of the inlet channel
PlantOrigin - The origin point of the treatment plant
- x: 0
- y: 0
- z: 0
TFlocBaffle - Thickness of the baffle material
LFlocBaffles - Matrix of baffle lengths
TPlantWall - Thickness of the sed and floc tank walls
LFlocTank - total length of the floc tanks
LSed - Length of one sed tank
NFlocChannels - Number of channels in the floc tank
NSedTanks - Number of sed tanks
WFlocChannel - Width of a single floc channel
WInletChannel - Width of the inlet channel
WSed - Width of a single sed tank, including the width of the dividing walls