Manually Create Invoice (T479282/Joanna/passed)

Manually create invoice line (T479283/Joanna/passed)

Create new invoice with invoice line based on purchase order line (T479284/Joanna/passed)

Approve invoice (T479285/Jesse/In progress?)

Pay invoice (T479286/Jesse/in progress?)

Approve and pay invoice in one click (T479287/Jesse/in progress?)

 Add tags to an Invoice and Invoice line record (T479288/LisaM/passed)

Filter invoices and invoice lines by tags (T479289/LisaM/passed) 

Test the invoice searches (T479290/Joanna/passed)

Test the invoice filters (T479291/Joanna/passed)

Upload file to invoice (T479292/SallyB/failed with note)

 Pay an invoice with multiple "Expense classes" assigned to it (T479293/LisaM/passed)

• How to process an ongoing order invoice

  • No labels