
User has created at least 2 expense classes in finance settings

User has assigned at least 2 expense classes to at least one current budget (C15858)

User has allocated enough money to that budget to cover the invoice amount

User has created an order with at least 1 POL

That purchase order is in the workflow state "Open"

Steps/Expected results:


Create invoice
Fill in all required fields
Save and close invoice

Invoice is saved successfully


Add invoice line from POL (Click "Add" button in invoice line accordion and select the desired POL)

Invoice line is added successfully


Click on Invoice line
Click edit invoice line in action menu

Invoice line edit form is displayed


Edit fund distributions so that there are at least 2 fund distributions for the same fund.
Make sure each distribution is for a different expense class.
Set desired amounts/percentages and Save and close invoice line

Invoice line edit details are saved successfully


Approve invoice

Pending payment transactions are created against the Fund for EACH expense class
Money is shown as "Awaiting Payment" in the budget values


Pay invoice

Pending payment transactions become "Payments"
Money is shown as "Expended" in budget values

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