Bryan Melara Sosa's Individual Contribution Page
Personal Goals
As a member of the two-man spectrophotometer team, I understand it is necessary to use this opportunity to learn as much as possible about the relevancy of spectrophotometry for water filtration. On that note I hope to comprehend the function of the spectrophotometer as a medium for water filtration by actually building and experimenting with one with the help of Michael. I feel that a coherent understanding for the use of spectrophotometry in water filtration will lead to a further understanding of AguaClara's filtration processes as a whole.
"Semester" Contributions
Established a detailed task map along with Michael, which can be found here:
Tested out a base-line spectrophotometer with Michael attempting to measure water contaminant through the use of red lab 40 dye.
Was assigned Research coordinator of building and design aspects of the spectrophotometer that will be built.