Created by user-c501f, last modified by user-7814f on Jul 03, 2009
Floating Floc Meeting Minutes
Spring 2009 Minutes
July 3, 2009
Working Group: Fluidized Bed Method
- Obtained a webcam from Cameron
- Revised Research Proposal and Detailed Task List
- Began performing literature searches related to the 3 sets of experiments to be performed
- Obtained clamps and fixed the leaks in the system
- Measured dissolved oxygen concentration at various points in the system.
- Fix the clogging problem in the sand filter
- Dissolved oxygen concentration increases from one point in the system to the next, instead of decreasing. This means that the sand filter is not working properly, and the bubble collector may not be, either.
- The aerator is very inefficient. Dissolved oxygen concentration in the water is about 60% of its maximum.
Goals for upcoming week
- Search literature for ideas, including solutions to the current problems with the experimental apparatus
- Start experiments
- Collect good data
- We may have to reconsider several parts of the experimental set-up. Things obviously are not working as they should be.
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