Problem Specification.
1. Create Geometry in GAMBIT.
2. Mesh Geometry in GAMBIT.
3. Specify Boundary Types in GAMBIT.
4. Set Up Problem in FLUENT.
5. Solve.
6. Analyze Results.
7. Change the Domain Size.
8. Unsteady Flow.
Problem Set.

Specify Boundary Types in GAMBIT

Define Boundary Types

Operation Toolpad > Zones Command Button > Specify Boundary Types

Select Add, fill in inlet for Name, VELOCITY_INLET for Type, select EF and EL for Edges, then click Apply.

Similarly, define FG, GH, LK and KJ named wall as WALL Type.

Define BCD and BMD named cylinder as WALL Type.

Define HI and JI named outlet as PRESSURE_OUTLET Type.

Save Your Work

Main Menu > File > Save

Export Mesh

Main Menu > File > Export > Mesh...

Save the file as cylinder.msh.

Go to Step 4: Set Up Problem in FLUENT.