Contributor Resources
1. Introduction to Confluence
2. Creating a Module Template
3. Adding Content to your Template
7. Completing your Module
Additional Resources


Introduction; thanks for wanting to help us create a tutorial, why its useful, some statistics about website use, etc. Thank and help motivate contributors to continue to contribute. 


First, a quick introduction and tips for navigating through the Confluence editor


Creating the template. Here's the template for creating new tutorials. This template ensures that tutorials have a common structure informed by sound pedagogical practices even though developed by different authors.


Start adding the content


Show them how to add the completed tutorial to the front page of the Ansys/Fluent pages, and how to create a discussion on Piazza for the students


Maybe I can turn the whole Contributor Resources page into a module itself? Just rename the steps; i.e. no Mesh or Physics, but Creating Template and Adding content. Example below;