Oliver recommended John Miner confirm continued benefits from the variety of internet services running out of the Linux Lab, taking into account risks to systems (including risk to other systems on the same network.) Especially since are many free CIT alternatives for most, if not all, these services.

See also


3/2/2016: John informed Oliver and Frank that the below services (and physical lab, as well) are being reviewed by Jim Sethna.

On 6/25/14, the following information was provided to John Miner. He was going to follow up lab stakeholders (Will, Jim Sethna) to confirm need and/or discuss benefits/ risks to change or not change.

Internet services run out of the Linux Lab

1) Web sites

See also <Review Physics non-research web site services>.

2) Email services (via web site)

3) Other internet services

PhysIT's role

PhysIT is not available to provide extensive consulting on these services, since that lies outside of our responsibility, per our agreement with John Miner. However, we are willing to meet to discuss what we would consider or be concerned about if we were responsible for these services, and provide some initial direction to Physics, if so desired.

FYI: CU IT Policy pages

Oliver's recommendation:

FYI: This page is cross-referenced with