h4. Water Treatment, Done Sustainably
{color:#003366}AguaClara is a multi-disciplinary program at Cornell University that designs sustainable water treatment systems ideal for resource-poor communities in the global south and green communities everywhere. _Gravity-powered,_ affordable AguaClara technologies currently provide clean water to over 25,000 people in communities around the world every day.{color}

{align:left}{color:#003366}[Plant Sites|Project Sites] | [AguaClara and Sustainability] | [Get a design|Design]{color}{align}
[!Download Design Tool^DownloadADT.jpg|border=1,width=125,border=0!|http://ceeserver.cee.cornell.edu/mw24/Software/Runtime2010/AguaClara%20Design%20Tool.htm] 
[Download Design Tool|http://ceeserver.cee.cornell.edu/mw24/Software/Runtime2010/AguaClara%20Design%20Tool.htm]

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Open Source Engineering
Free as in gravity: AguaClara design services are provided free-of-charge, and all of our work is publicly documented so anyone can use it. Read more about our open-source design philosophy.

Innovative Research
AguaClara Technology is uniquely capable of producing high quality drinking water from turbid surface waters without using electricity. Learn more.

Scalable Design
The AguaClara Design Tool is a free software that minimizes cost-per-design by automatically generating AutoCAD drawings upon request. Click here to learn more.