Design Goals

Spring 2009 Team Members

Reiko Baugham
Heather Hunter
Adela Kuzmiakova
Heather Reed
Sara Schwetschenau

Spring 2009 Goals

  1. Update Variable Naming Guide
  2. Edit Flocculation program
  3. Edit the Sedimentation Slopes program
  2. Update AutoCAD method of drawing sedimentation tank and floc tank
  1. #* Add construction details including ledge that supports the plate settlers, inlet manifold plates, sludge drain channel, sludge drain plates, sedimentation tank inlet drop tubes, inlet channel port covers, etc.
  2. Update Algorithm Documentation for MathCAD programs
  3. Organization
  4. AutoCAD Documentation
  5. Work on plant designs as presented throughout the semester
  6. Develop a plan to create the detailed documentation that the partner organization needs to build the facilities
  7. Provide continuity training and recruitment