
Web server went down today

The web server was down for much of the day today. I was in training, Mike Hammer, Hal, Aaron, and Mike Hammond were all out. Annemarie and Eric were in and Eric was able to talk w/ Hal on the phone. The base problem was that the log files had filled the harddrive and ColdFusion had failed in it's update of it's license file, corrupting the license and making it fail. There are obviously questions that we will need to address and I or Barbara will set up a meeting once all the relevant players are back in town. We'll want to address questions like.

  • Sever monitoring
  • Documentation (Passwords, license codes, etc.)
  • Access to all the relevant accounts and servers
  • Backup location
  • Cross training
  • Etc.
Colab SIG

Aaron Hammond purchased source forge

Cornell-Users is like confluence-users but Cornell only.

Todd Manager of Course Technologies in CIT Faculty support

Lot of interest in having a shared solution for off campus users for all our systems rather than having to deal w/ it on a system by system basis.

 6 faculty are using confluence for their classes. has a competitor w/ Google docs but on steroids.

Used universal wiki converter to convert twiki to Confluence. Confluence perl module. Example is to upload a whole directory of confluence marked up files into Confluence.

Explore xml rpc api in Confluence. It's apparently very rich. e.g.: can export content to regular website each night.

Other useful stuff 

imbedded html meacro, also enhanced table macro.

Aaron H. on Subversion

Create repository button in repository tab.

Can create association w/ commit comment using [artf1275]. You can have it reject commits that lack having an association.

Subversion keeps local copy of base file for doing local dif.