Date Created:  January 23, 2024

Last Updated:  

Overview: Athletics sell tickets to sporting events at the Ticket Office.  Payment is received in various forms including cash, check and credit card.  The ticket office maintains a $2,500 cash bank that is counted and verified weekly.  Additional security measures are in place to prevent loss or theft of cash bank and deposits. Credit card processing, cash handling, and check handling require due diligence from staff to prevent misappropriation and loss of income.

Criticality: Moderate/High

Frequency: Daily

Turnaround: 24 Hours

Processing Time: Within 24 hours of payment receipt

Customer: Pay for tickets with a valid form of payment

Event Manager:  Runs settlement reports and compares to Daily Sales Summary and End of Day reports to look for discrepancies.  Accepts deposits and secures in safe until processed.

Unit Staff/Cashiers:  Accept payments in the form of cash, checks and credit cards.  Verify cash received is not counterfeit, endorse all checks immediately and secure cash and checks in locked safe to ensure proper security of payments received.  When processing credit card payments, only staff trained in PCI compliance may accept this form of payment to ensure compliance with PCI requirements.  Batches are reconciled at end of each shift and discrepancies are reported to Event Manager.

Office Manager: Verifies cash bank counts weekly, prepares deposits, scans checks to bank and creates AD edocs in KFS system. Logs cash deposits in courier log for armored pickup. Researches deposit variances reported by Cash Management.

Assoc Athletics Director:  Approves deposits, counts cash bank weekly and logs deposits in the Courier log. Requests safe re-key each semester and notifies SSC when completed.

Shared Services Center (SSC): Ensures safe is rekeyed at the end of each semester. Processes edoc to correct for deposit variances as needed.

  • Excel
  • Vivenu
  • Kuali Financial System (KFS)
  • OAS Reporting Dashboard (KDW)
  • CardPointe
  • Bad checks, counterfeit bills

Key Risks

Key Controls

·         Misappropriation of cash or checks

·         Theft of cash or checks could result in disciplinary action and/or legal implications to staff and loss of revenue for the University.

·         Credit Card data could be at risk of fraud if not handled appropriately.

·         Cash handling policies and procedures are currently in place.

·         Cashier payment batches are reviewed and verified by Event Manager.

·         Payments are secured in a locked safe with limited access.

·         Safe re-keyed at the end of every semester.

·         All cashiers complete PCI training annually and follow PCI process requirements.

Accepting Payments:

  1. Ticket office cashiers receive cash drawers with $200 till from the event manager.
  2. Cashier count till to verify amount is correct.
  3. Cashiers log into vivenu system to record payments as received.
  4. Customer purchases tickets and pays with cash check or credit card at ticket office window.
  5. Cashiers inspect larger cash bills to verify not counterfeit and record individual payments in vivenu by sport or event.
  6. At the end of the shift, cashier counts drawer and pulls out $200 till for the next day.
  7. Checks and cash are given to the Events Manager to place in a locked safe until deposit can be processed.


  1. Event Manager runs settlement reports in vivenu and compares to credit card, checks and cash received for the day to the Daily Sales Summary report and the End of Day report.
  2. Event manager reports any discrepancies or counterfeit bills identified to the Assoc Athletics Director, the Deputy Athletics Director and notifies SSC, CU Police and Cash Management of potential irregularity found.
  3. Deposits are completed by the office manager and approved by the Assoc. Athletics Director.
  4. Checks are scanned to the bank via remote capture and cash deposits are logged in a courier logbook.
  5. Deposit forms and cash are placed in a locked bag in the safe pending armored truck pickup (requested as needed).
  6. If a variance is identified by the bank, the SSC will process a correcting edoc.
  • Reconciliation variances in ticket income reconciliations
  • Cash shortages
  • Variances in ticket sales over time and to budget
  • KFS – Kuali Financial System
  • vivenu POS system
  • OAS – GL financial transaction reporting system
  • SSC – Shared Services Center

A&PE TIicket Office Cash, CC Process Flow Chart

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