Scope: This document describes the priorities that Cataloging & Metadata Services staff use when determining which printed items in RMC to catalog first.
Contact: Margaret Nichols
Unit: Cataloging & Metadata Services in RMC
Date last reviewed:
Date of next review: January 2024
General principle: We do not add to the backlog. If a large acquisition temporarily creates a mini-backlog, we eliminate it as quickly as possible.
1. New acquisitions
2. Transfers (any that are not handled by LTS Database Management staff)
3. Any mini-backlogs generated by large purchases or gifts, retrospective conversion, etc.
4. Backlog items: Priorities are set in consultation with the appropriate curator. In the absence of other instructions, follow these priorities:
a. Items with no catalog record, including gifts
b. Items that have an online record requiring an overhaul (such as a sketchy preliminary record)