Scope: The document below outlines the procedures that Library Technical Services serials staff follow when claiming a missing or overdue serial.
Contact: Joanna Cerro
Unit: Serials Management
Date last updated: Jan. 2023
Date of next review: Jan. 2024
Preliminary information: Claims will often be sent from selectors or serials receivers to the LTSSER email list, or a note will be placed in the inbox of the Serials Claiming Coordinator's desk. Staff who pay invoices or check in items will also notice items that need claiming, and will bring them to the attention of the Serials Claiming Coordinator by email. EBSCO and Harrassowitz claims can be submitted using their online portals. Claims can also be submitted by email, and when necessary, by phone.
Claiming is necessary if:
- a later edition of a serial is checked in before receiving a previously published issue (e.g. vol. 23, no. 2 has just been received, but we never received vol. 23, no. 1)
- receipt of a serial has completely lapsed (this is usually identified when processing a renewal invoice)
Submitting a claim using EBSCOnet
Submitting a claim using FOKUS (Harrassowitz)
How to mark a serial issue as claimed in FOLIO
1. From the Receiving app, search for the serial needing to be claimed by title or PO#
2. Click Actions → Add Piece from the Expected field
3. In the caption field of the Add piece box, type the enum./chron. of the issue(s) you have claimed followed by a brief explanation of how you submitted the claim with your initials followed by the date (ex. JC claimed via ebsconet 9/7/22)
4. Click Save & close. The claimed issue will remain in the Expected field until it's received.
NOTE: If reclaiming a second or third time, add a note to the beginning of the comments field indicating how many claims have been submitted (ex. 2x claim sent via ebsconet. JC 1/18/23)
C. Notes on following up and reclaiming if necessary
1. It is up to the discretion of the claimer to determine how they would like to keep track of their claims. This can be done in various ways, such as holding on to print outs until a claim is resolved, keeping email folders of open claims and resolved claims, maintaining a spreadsheet, or a combination of all of these.
2. As a general rule, an item(s) should be reclaimed if we still do not have the material by 9 weeks for U.S. vendors and 2 months for foreign vendors.
3. If we have not yet received an item(s) after 3 claiming attempts, it’s appropriate to give up on the claim. It should be resolved internally using the following steps:
a. Check the item(s) in using the “Quick Check-In” button and edit the issue with a brief note explaining why we did not receive it. A typical note reads “NA” after the issue or “not rec’d.”
b. Hit the “Display in OPAC” button to make sure it reads “No” in the “Display in OPAC column.
c. Write a brief, private note (delimiter x) on line 852 in the holdings record of cataloging (e.g. “v. 23, no. 1 NA”).
Helpful Customer Service / Vendor Contacts
Contact: Lindsey Wood (rep)
Online portal:
Contact: General customer service department
Online portal:
Contact: Guita Samiinia
Contact: Francesco Baglioni
Contact: Stella Di Vincenzo
Contact: Joanne Franklin