• Marcie will write a draft of the decision about faculty/student use and charge for this group
  • Other members will edit draft
  • Once a final draft is created we will submit to CUL-IT
  • Provide outreach to CUL around digital exhibit creation differences between Digital Scholarship Group and Spotlight Group


  • Decide on and document criteria of who can use Spotlight
  • Determine who is responsible for copy editing, accessibility and copyright for each unit. Reach out to units not represented in this group (i.e. FAL and Law)
  • Create priority list for Lynette
  • (If time) Once there is a working set of criteria - create list of Listserves, and other groups in CUL to make sure all library staff are aware of the differences and who to point students and faculty to so we can avoid confusion in the future.

Discussion of last meeting's decision around the use of Spotlight. After a few last questions there was agreement on the use of Spotlight for library curated or sponsored content only. Other needs for online exhibits by faculty and students should be directed to the Digital Scholarship Group. There were then question about liaisons from unit libraries not represented on the current group. The decision was that we have by default agreed to be the liaisons to our libraries and are responsible for exhibits we create or sponsor. Other libraries that may wish to create a Spotlight exhibit must have representation in this group. By extension, that person has also agreed to be liaison to their library/faculty.

Marcie offered to write a draft of the charge of this group and Spotlight use for others to edit and to submit to CUL-IT by May 15th.

The second half of the meeting was a discussion of the priorities for updates and changes to Spotlight.  Accessibility was easily voted most important. There was a robust conversation about the landing page for Spotlight exhibits and reconciling all digital exhibitions into a single site. While reconciliation was a priority, because not all digital exhibits use Spotlight it seemed like that decision would require a different set of stakeholders, with representation from this group. We still decided that work on the Spotlight landing page itself was worth pursuing. We then agreed that the number of tabs on the exhibit site was limiting and would also improve navigation. Adding the ability to connect to other repositories such as the digital collections portal would also allow us to expand beyond what could be covered in a single exhibit to additional information offered elsewhere online. The final priority that was decided was in a granular control of widgets. In particular how images "pop up". This conversation led to one around images in general - the file types accepted by Spotlight and the ability to upload multiple images for the same object. This may mean once the first set of priorities around navigation and connections to other CUL material (exhibits and repositories) have been completed, the next set of changes should be around images.

Finally, Eveline mentioned she and her team have been keeping track of "glitches" as they find them and we agreed that should be linked to the wiki so that we can all add to it. We can then talk to Lynette about necessary fixes or changes.

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