
Welcome! You must be baffled by the project, not having any clear idea as you just joined. Dread not! We'll walk you through the onboarding.

Hopefully after spending some time reading sections below, you'll have a more clear idea.

By all means, please feel free to ask on Slack general channel!

We're so excited and grateful that you've decided to spend the semester working with us!

Why Diaper


  • ✨Participant onboarding process (From Website)
    1. Sign-Up: Direct participants to the sign-up website through advertisement portals. https://dashboard.diaper-project.com/signup
    2. Participant Onboarding: Automatically send the collected information to the researcher and send the participant the infant nutrition onboarding link for demographics and consent.
    3. Register Account: Automatically register an account and send a mobile resetting password email.
    4. App Invitation:
      1. IPhone: Direct participants to TestFlight and the Tester Group.
      2. Android: TBD
    5. Receive: Participants receive a home stool collection kit.
    6. Start: After giving birth, participants click "I had my baby," receive an email to complete the after-birth survey, and provide the birth date.
    • Database: The demographics will be stored in BioHPC (not MongoDB, or AWS S3 Bucket)
  • ⏫ Participant Submit Survey (From Mobile App)

    1. Barcodes: milk barcode and stool barcode
    2. Survey: A list of questions for child information
    • Database: Survey data will be directly stored in MongoDB

Researcher (Using Dashboard)

  • 💻 Visualize and analyze data
    • Tables: there is a robust table template for multiple data categories
  • 🧪 Laboratory Genetic Sequencing

    • Upload processed sequencing data to MongoDB (categorized by species).

    • Upload raw data to generate a set of files for processing and visualization.

  • Database: sequencing data are stored in MongoDB

Team management

The project is divided into 2 workflows: online and offline

The members are divided into 5 teams: frontend-mobile, frontend-dashboard, backend-mobile, backend-dashboard, and infra

The table below gives a roughly good idea of understanding the relations between 2 workflows and 5 teams

WorkflowUserInterface (frontend)API (backend)database
​e.g. Parents
uploading data/photo
​app (iOS, Android)​APIs​Database named "BioHPC"

(by frontend-mobile team)(by backend-mobile team)

e.g. Scientists
view data
web (React & Typescript)APIsDatabase named "BioHPC"

(by frontend-dashboard team)(by backend-dashboard team)

InfraDeveloper ONLYAutomating deployment by using Github, Jenkins, ArgoCD, Nexus, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS EC2, Cloudflare, AWS lambda

Onboarding knowledge check

  1. We require everyone to acknowledge GitHub to access the code base: 
    1. Git usage 
    2. GitHub Repos
  2. Each team has a different tech stack, please check the below
    • frontend-mobile
    • frontend-dashboard
    • backend-mobile
    • backend-dashboard
    • infra

  • No labels