
Logged into FOLIO as user with Cataloging permission set.


Steps/Expected Result:


Find the instance record in FOLIO.




In the instance view, click Add holdings to add a new holding.

Fill in the fields Permanent location, Call number, and (if applicable) Call number suffix.

Save the new holdings record.

The new holdings record is saved without error, and you are sent back to the three pane Inventory page.

The new holdings record is visible in the instance view.


Click Add item to add a new item.

Fill in the fields Barcode, Material type, and Loan type.

Save the new item record.

The new items record is saved without error, and you are sent back to the three pane Inventory page.

The new item record is visible in the instance view, and has automatically been given the status Available.


Add a new holdings record for the appropriate library (sigel).