
At least one order has been created and the "Create inventory" setting for the format of materials ordered will ensure the system creates item records in inventory. Service point permission is required to do this test.



From the "Apps" menu in the upper-right corner of the screen, select the "Orders" app.
Navigate to your order in the "Orders" app by searching for it in the left-hand pane.
Click on the order information displayed in the search result; the purchase order should display in the right-hand pane.
Scroll down in the right-hand pane until you see the POL you want.
Click on the POL number or the title to display the POL. At the top of the pane, you should see the words "PO line details" followed by the POL number (e.g., 12971-1).
Navigate to connected instance in inventory by clicking on the title in the POL.
In the Inventory app, select one of the items created by the order.
Add a request for that item
Navigate back to the order
Click receive in action menu
Select title

Create PO and POL(s)
Open PO
Navigate to connected instance in inventory by clicking on the title
Select one of the items created by the order
Add a request for that item
Navigate back to the order
Click receive in action menu
Select title


Expected results:

Any items for which you have added requests should display a "Yes" in the Request column of the piece tables and edit modal.
After clicking receive a modal displays reminding the user there is an open request and give the barcode of the item. It may display a uuid if the item record does not have a barcode.

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