Info about the code added to the SPI/SOI → Giving → Giving Summary buttons to access constituent documents.


Both SPI and SOI have identical code adding this button to the pages.

The two pages are template_givingsum.cfm for the SOI and gi_sum.cfm for the SPI.

The link has been broken into 3 parts: var_docs1, var_docs2, & var_docs3

vard_docs1 has a single hashtag   /#document/  but to have it work correctly in this string it needs to be escaped using another # hashtag  /##document/

This is because to get our variable of the common_id to render, it needs to be surrounded by hashtags  #session.common_id# and having an odd number of hashtags breaks it.

It's put back together in the button command.

When they tested (Kim, Leigh, Dan, Jeramy) they discovered that it didn't bring back the records as it should. Sent a correction to me, had to add commas to 2 variables and I edited it in test so they could test it.

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