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A place to inventory IT-related issues and their current status. And to promote understanding and coordination among Will and other research group members, Chemistry IT, and the folks at Northwestern.

Timing hopes and expectations (general)

  • Move date will be around July 15th.
    • Lab space at Northwestern hoped to be finished by July 1st (as of 4/29/16).
  • By-in-large not taking any of the computers, even those attached to instruments. Also, not taking any printers. Exceptions:
    • Will's Mac laptop (likely he'll keep)
    • PC laptop attached to group's Mass Spec (MS).

See also

Dichtel group members and where they are going (private)

Park - Moving from Cornell to Chicago

(1) Timing: Confirm and coordinate.

See above "Timing hopes and expectations (general)".

(2) Hardware: What leaving behind and what taking?

See above "Timing hopes and expectations (general)". Some specifics:

Will's laptop

Currently on Cornell's Active Directory (AD) and has Cornell-licensed software

  • It's an Apple MacBook Air, which Will is most likely to keep.
    • Must be re-configured:
      • Convert to self-support mode so accounts are no longer dependent on Cornell's AD for log-in, etc.
      • Address Cornell licensed software: What can be safely ignored?
    • Q: Steps to take?

(3) Data file move (file share)

Cornell file share service (SFS)

Next steps

  • Ryan: To give ChemIT an account number for them to buy a 1TB drive (or larger, if required).
    • Ryan to determine time of purchase and migration timeline.
  • ChemIT: ChemIT to buy drive when given the go-ahead from Ryan. On date decided on, ChemIT cuts access and copy contents to drive, for the group.

Current plan: Sneaker-net data (via FedEx)

Oliver confirmed this plan with Will and Ryan on Friday, 4/29/16.

  • On a specified day, turn off access to SFS so no one can change files on file share anymore.
    • As of 4/29/16, Will thought this day would be around July 15th.
    • If group finds they need more than their 1TB within CIT's SFS, Will is fine paying to expand it for the few months they need it.
  • All files copied to 1TB ($60-70) USB external hard drive (or larger, if necessary).
    • Time estimate to make the copy, if done on campus?
    • Roger suggest using tools he recommends to ensure complete copy.
  • USB external hard drive taken to Northwestern and data moved to their files storage service.
    • Will wants the drive FedEx'd, not carried by group or moving service (as of 4/29/16).
  • Once confirmed all data successfully in Northwestern, then turn off Cornell's SFS file share.

Contact and info from Northwestern

From: Jackie Milhans <milhans>  
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 9:50 AM
To: "Oliver B. Habicht" <oh10>
Cc: Ryan Patrick Bisbey <rpb223>
Subject: Re: Data storage and filesharing - Dichtel group

Hi Oliver,

Thank you for the confirmation. I think all that’s left is data transfer. If you let me know your preferable method, I can make sure everything is in place on our end.

Ryan – When you get a Northwestern NetID, could you request a data storage share? If you do not have Will’s NetID and do not yet have a chart string, let me know.


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