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Scope (Policy): Classification on Receipt (COR) is an abbreviated form of cataloging that reflects limited bibliographic description, subject analysis, and (in most cases) no authority work. This procedure is to be applied to printed monographic materials that require original cataloging, but have a reasonable chance of being cataloged by another institution. Such items are handled in the manner outlined below, assigned full call numbers, and sent to the stacks to await overlay by our Batchmatch processing routine. This procedure does not apply to non-book formats (serials, microforms, videos, scores, maps, or electronic resources).

Along with PCC and non-PCC full, collection-level cataloging, and minimal level cataloging, COR is one of the options for catalogers to provide bibliographic control to library materials. Catalogers should use COR for materials that, in their best judgment, warrant that treatment.

Contacts: Pam Stansbury  

Unit: Cataloging

Date last updated: 01/26/15

Date of next review: December 2015



 Fixed fields   

 Variable fields    

Guidelines for LC Call Numbers

 Guidelines for Uncontrolled Subject Terms (653s)   

LTS Statistics Code


Modify the in-process record in Voyager to bring it up to the LTS standard for COR abbreviated level, as defined in this procedure.   Any record input by LTS should be described according to RDA.  If the record is based on AACR2 preliminary copy input by LC or another member library, leave the record as AACR2.  For the most part, retain data elements that are already present in the record you are modifying unless they are clearly in error.

Fixed Field Values

MARC21   Definition 

Voyager   label 

LTS Abbreviated   Level Requirement 

Encoding   Level

Encoding   level

Enter   value "3”

Descriptive   cataloging form

Cataloging   form

Should be   value “i” (RDA) or "a" (AACR2)

Cataloging   source

Cataloging   source

Should be   value "d" (default).  LC   preliminary records should be left as “blank.”

Place of   publication

Place of   publication





Type of Date   Code

Publication   status


Date 1,   Date 2

Date 1,   Date 2

Mandatory   (Date 2 mandatory if applicable)

All other fixed field positions are optional at abbreviated level.  Catalogers may fill in such fields as Contents or Literary Form at their discretion, as long as they do no agonize over the choice.

Variable Fields


Use the following table to determine what data elements should appear in the record. All other MARC variable fields are optional for abbreviated level records defined by this procedure. If other fields appear in the Voyager in-process record, use judgment to determine whether to revise or delete such fields. The guiding principles are these:

  • Focus on the data elements spelled out in this      procedure as mandatory or mandatory if applicable.
  • Accept what is present on DLC or copy to the extent      possible. Do not delete or change DLC or copy information unless it is clearly      inaccurate or egregiously misleading.
  • Do not agonize over data elements in a record. Make a      quick decision in most cases.

MARC 21   Definition 


LTS   Abbreviated Level Requirement 

Library of   Congress Control No.


Mandatory   if applicable.  Enter any DLC label   mounted on the cover.



Enter |a   if it appears on the item (|z if you know it can’t possibly be valid, for   example if it’s not 10 or 13 digits long)

System   Control Number


Retain the   OCLC control number if present.  Do not   include an OCLC control number for a different manifestation.  Do not include an OCLC control number for a   non-English record (that is, 040 |b  must be blank or “eng”).

Cataloging   Source


Subfields   |a, |b, |c mandatory; |e rda and |d if applicable

LC Call   No.


Mandatory; see guidelines in this   procedure

Authorized   access point


Mandatory   if applicable (includes 100, 110, 111, 130)

Preferred   title


Enter a   preferred title if known or readily inferred from the item; otherwise, omit

Title area


Subfield   |a is mandatory; |b and|c if applicable

Varying   form of title


Optional ;   use judgment

Edition   area


Mandatory   if applicable


264: 1: (RDA);   260 (usually AACR2)

Mandatory   if applicable; |a, |b and |c should be present

Physical description


Subfields   |a and |c are mandatory; all other subfields are optional

Content,   Media, Carrier

336, 337,   338

Mandatory   on RDA records.  Use macro #r1 for   print monographs.


490:0 :

Transcribe    series if present.  Do not trace the   series in an 830.  Remove an 830 if one   happens to be present on the in-process record.

Uncontrolled   Subject Terms


Mandatory   if applicable; see guidelines in this procedure

Added entries


All added   entries are optional

Guidelines for LC Call Numbers

Classify items according to the LC classification schedules, unless one or more of the exceptional cases listed in LTS Procedure 11, "Shelflisting," apply. Use the schedules on the Catalogers Desktop. Add the call number to the bib record in the 050 field, 1st indicator blank, and 2nd indicator 4 (050: 4:).

If you find an actual LC cutter for an individual literary author, artist, geographic area, or subject, use it. Otherwise construct a cutter using Library of Congress practice for cuttering, as described in the LC Shelflisting Manual, available on Cataloger's Desktop.

Guidelines for Uncontrolled Subject Terms (653s) 

If the record for a foreign-language work has been supplied by LC with an informative, keyword-rich 520 in English, do not add 653s.

Add English words, translated generally from the title, to items without 520s written in foreign languages and to English-language books with titles that do not reflect their subjects. For example, the English title The high road and the low road, which is about bookmobiles, does not reflect the subject of the work, so you would assign a 653 field.

However, do not apply these instructions to works of the imagination (novels, stories, poetry, plays).

If you use a subject phrase, keep it brief. Capitalize the first word of each 653 field. Both indicators should be blank. There is no official limit to the number of  “|a” you can string together in a single 653, but in practice, more than three “|a” becomes unwieldy.  Do not end the field with punctuation unless punctuation is part of the data. When selecting subject words, follow these guidelines:

1.  Use the title of the work, translated into English, as the primary source for words or phrases.


245 10 Cinco lecciones sobre el humanismo

(Five readings on humanism)

653 Humanism

245 13 La caravana del hambre

(The caravan of hunger)

653 Hunger

2.  If the title field does not contain words about the subject of the work, quickly examine the cover, tables of contents, and preface to select appropriate words.

3.  If it is not possible to determine useful words quickly, omit the 653. Do not analyze the book in depth, consult the authority file, attempt to assign the terms in a consistent or patterned manner, and do not agonize over the selection of terms. These uncontrolled terms should be assigned in an unstructured, unregulated manner.

4.  Do not duplicate a term that appears in another keyword-searchable field of the record. To learn what is indexed in the Voyager keyword index, see "Voyager Keyword Search Configurations" in the Voyager Manual.

5.  Use natural word order, and concentrate on words that are rich in meaning (e.g., use "Breach of promise" not "Study of the impact of breach of promise").

6.  Use foreign words that have no English equivalent, if they would provide useful keyword access (e.g., if the work is about glasnost, assign 653 Glasnost).

7.  If the work is about a person, place or corporate body, you may give the name in direct order in the 653 field. For corporate names, make a quick judgment whether an English translation would provide useful keyword access (if not, omit it).  If it is quicker to perform a search of the Voyager authorities index and use the NAF authorized form of the name, it is acceptable to do so.


245 10 My name is Hilda 653 Hilda Kramer

245 13 La Habana, ciudad Antigua

653 Havana

245 10 Historia del Sindicato de Culinarias

653 Culinary Syndicate 

LTS Statistics Code for Abbreviated Level Records

Add a 948 field for statistics tracking (macro: ,,z). Use first indicator 1 for cataloging transaction and subfield b z for classification on receipt. COR statistics are defined by the z (classification on receipt) from the 948 field and 3 (abbreviated level) from the encoding level field of the Leader.

  • No labels