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To get new bug fixes not yet in a production release, to try out a newer release, or simply because the newest OpenAFS has not yet been packaged for your version of Fedora/RHEL, you may with to build your own OpenAFS RPMs. This, of course, first requires a SRC rpm. SRC RPMs can be generated from the OpenAFS source.

Step-by-step guide

You will need devel libraries and tools installed on your system for OpenAFS to build successfully.

  1. Do a "git clone" of the OpenAFS source code repository:
    git clone git://

  2. Check what branches are available. Generally, there will be a branch for the current "stable" and then branches for different releases of OpenAFS:

    $ git branch -r

      origin/HEAD -> origin/master








     As of the time of this writing, you will generatlly want the "origin/openafs-stable-1_6_x" branch, since 1.6.x is the current stable version of OpenAFS.


  3. Checkout the branch you want:
    git checkout origin/openafs-stable-1_6_x

  4. You need to create a .version file at the top level of your git tree... this is used to indicate what "version" of OpenAFS you are installing. Even if it isn't a real version. For example, I wanted to call my version openafs-1.6.11pre1.1:

    ]$ cat .version


    Note that the dots are replaced by underscores.

  5. Rename your "openafs" directory to correspond to the version. So, with the above version, my "openafs" directory is now named: openafs-1.6.11pre1.1

  6. Now, you will need to run the "" script in the top level of your openafs directory:
    openafs-1.6.11pre1.1]$ ./

  7. Once completed, cd up one directory and create two tar files, named with your openafs version, one containing the source and one containing the documentation:

    tar  cjvf openafs-1.6.11pre1.1-src.tar.bz2 openafs-1.6.11pre1.1/ --exclude=openafs-1.6.11pre1.1/doc --exclude=openafs-1.6.11pre1.1/.git

    tar cjvf openafs-1.6.11pre1.1-doc.tar.bz2 openafs-1.6.11pre1.1/doc

  8. Now, cd to the src/packaging/RedHat subfolder:



  9. And run the "" script to build your src rpm:
    perl ./ ../../../../openafs-1.6.11pre1.1-src.tar.bz2 ../../../../openafs-1.6.11pre1.1-doc.tar.bz2
  10. Now, you have a .src.rpm you can rebuild to generate RPMs:
    rpmbuild --rebuild openafs-1.6.11-0.pre1.src.rpm
  11. The built RPMs should be placed in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/


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