2CUL Cataloging Phase 2 Working Group

Notes from Columbia University visit to Cornell University, April 15-16th, 2014.


Contemporary Composers Web Archive

Russell Merritt summarized the Borrow Direct CCWA project. Cornell does not do MARC cataloguing for its archived web sites, but is more likely to contribute to this component if (a) it makes an ongoing commitment to the project past the end of its Mellon funding and (b) MARC cataloguing is seen by the participants as an integral part of the project. Tracey will consult Bonna about (a) and Russell will check further about (b).

Asian languages

Sarah Elman will send Pedro the following:

·         Macro for importing records from Voyager to OCLC.

·         MARCEdit template for creating preliminary Korean records including vernacular data.

Sarah Elman will continue her discussion with EastView (the vendor for the Chinese Academic Journals) for them to provide Serials Solutions with full-level bibliographic records to improve access to CAJ. If necessary, Columbia will invite Cornell (and maybe other Serials Solutions subscribing East Asian libraries) to jointly press Serials Solutions again to improve their records. Sarah will keep Cornell informed.

Columbia is currently unable to help with Japanese kana cursive script items (Cornell has about 100 needing cataloguing) but Dan McKee will scan some sample pages to show to Columbia cataloguers.

Columbia may be able to offer duplicate copies of Korean titles to Cornell. This will be discussed further at a December meeting in Columbia.


The Columbia group met Lois Purcell and future documentation needs were discussed. Irina will request wiki access for Lois Purcell (and also Teresa Mei).



Sarah Ross demonstrated FAST cataloguing to Irina, Susan, and Melanie, and proposed a German Working Papers project  (or other project involving material that can be catalogued on the basis of existing descriptive catalogue records) that Cornell could undertake on behalf of Columbia. Irina will raise the question of FAST cataloging with Kate Harcourt and Robert Rendall who recently hired a new BA and part of the responsibilities of this position will be cataloging old German materials

Cornell’s Blacklight team is working on a preliminary sketch of how the faceting of subject headings might be presented in the public catalog.  Steven Folsom will keep in touch with Melanie Wacker and other Columbia counterparts involved in Columbia’s Blacklight implementation.

Sarah Ross will share Cornell’s FAST cataloguing documentation with Columbia.

Romanian gift

An early estimate suggests that there may be 1,500-2,000 volumes in Romanian needing original cataloguing. Cornell will do some more detailed sampling and will propose a pilot.

Columbia has a staff member able to do Romanian belles lettres material to PCC level. Yale has also made an approach to collaborate, but will not be able to follow up until later in the year.

Columbia’s collection policy would deprioritize translations into Romanian as being of lesser collection value even though they may be easier to catalogue.



Sarah Ross demonstrated ECIP cataloguing to Irina and Susan. They will bring the question of ECIP participation back to Columbia for consideration.

Authority work


Sarah Ross demonstrated the authority control tools used at Cornell. Susan Summer shared notes about LTI authority processing at Columbia and will find out details of pricing from LTI to send to Cornell.

Naun has made initial contact with LTI. A joint arrangement with LTI at some point in the future is a potential topic for exploration.


Outsourcing/collaborative cataloguing

The discussion covered existing sources of vendor-supplied cataloguing (our current arrangements are summarized in spreadsheets shared  before the meeting), our respective approaches to vernacular scripts, and the CIC collaborative cataloguing project.

We will gather and share more detailed information about known pockets of uncatalogued material where either Cornell or Columbia has language expertise as well as uncatalogued material where we might need language expertise from another institution.

Robert Rendall recently needed to catalogue some free online resources in Thai. Cornell’s Apikanya McCarty is available to assist if similar needs arise in future.

Irina and Naun will contact Chris Cronin to discuss the CIC project further.

Also discussed: discovery and access (including the use of authority and VIAF data to enhance searching), and the OCLC report on registering researcher IDs (Melanie Wacker served on this group).

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