Ignore formatting. This text will be integrated into our calling card template (with appropriate formatting), an MS Word docx file.
Use "chem" URL to point to ChemIT's web site. Don't pretend it's anything to do with Physics- that's just confusing!
DRAFT TEXT on calling card:
Please contact us to simplify and streamline your technology and computing needs. And, of course, contact us if you need our IT support help!
Does this require you to take any immediate action?
No! Just remember to update your email contacts so you reach us at PhysIT@cornell.edu instead of using the CCMR address.
You can also visit us at Baker 250, or call 607-255-6278.
We look forward to serving you using Remedy, our ticketing system, which will provide you with quicker feedback upon sending us a request.
For more information about this change, and for a reminder of the services we offer (technology support and consultations, software and licensing help, network services, etc.) please visit: