WARNING: This is an Experimental feature.  These instructions are considered for advanced users and future server changes may remove or break functionality that is described. 

PHP Shell allows you do to shell like activities within a web browser.  For example it makes it possible to do some activities that you are accustomed to do from a SSH shell like:

  • Retrieve and untar software
  • Perform a mysqldump or mysql import
  • Edit a configuration file

PHP Shell runs as the same user as your web server and has access to all your customer files that are located on the LAMP server.  Access is restricted to the permit that is allowed to view the LAMP splash page.  All commands executed from within PHP Shell are logged with the NetID of the user that executed the command.  By default PHP Shell starts in "/infra/lamp/mounts/".  To view your data you'll need to cd into "/infralmap/mounts/[customer_id]".  You can view your "[customer_id]" by typing "ls" as your first command.

To run PHP Shell go to: https://\[lamp host].hosting.cornell.edu:[port number]/lampadmin/phpshell/

Some things will NOT work with PHP Shell these include, but are not limited to:

  • virtualenv (Python)
  • rvm (Ruby)
  • vi/emacs/nano, use "editor" instead

This is because PHP Shell is unable to allow you to set shell environment variables that persist between commands. 

Other commands that expect input via standard input may not work at all or work unexpectedly.

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