_Clostridium botulinum_ is a Gram-positive foodborne pathogen{^}1^ that can cause a severe, but rare foodborne disease. A publication by Scallan et al.^2^ in 2011 estimated that ???? human foodborne listeriosis cases, including ??? deaths, occur annually in the US. Steve - fill in the numbers in red for every pathogen
+Key laboratories studying various aspects of foodborne listeriosis+ *in the US and Canada* +include:+
+Key laboratories studying various aspects of foodborne listeriosis+ *in Europe* +include:+
+Key laboratories studying various aspects of foodborne listeriosis+ *in South and Latin America*+ include:+
+Key laboratories studying various aspects of foodborne listeriosis+ *in Asia and Australia*+ include:+
+Additional resources on+ _Listeria monocytogenes_+:+
A number of key sources on Clostridium botulinum and botulism are available.
- <span style="color: #ff0000">steve replace with approproiate wikipedia refereces for each pathogen</span>
^2{^}Scallan et al. 2011.Emerging Infectious Diseases 17:7-15 PMID:[21192848|http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21192848]