Streeter Discussion

  • 68 Million shortfall budget, we expect to have a real expense less because "we are doing something to move the right way"
  • savings looking at that are non-personel
    • Procurement
      • centralized purchasing
    • Facilities * Utiilities
    • efficiencies
      • savings
    • IT initiatives
      • desktop support
      • application development
      • IT services
    • How do the individual departments and colleges do their business and is it the most effective
      • saving on what we are delivering and why


  1. ICO - April 1 suggestions and reports to help understand what saving opportunities
    • savings est.
    • enabling actions that need to occur
  2. Where / how will we find out
    • Imagining web site
    • Chronicle
      • IT
  3. what is the time frame to abate teh financial problem
    • 2015 is estimate
  4. new building @ medical college why @ this time
    • it has been in the strategic plan
  5. SRI
    • casual return as retireies
  6. BAIN report - no paper report
    • look @ the web site and now Cornell is leading it
    • we got the information and to get a report we would need to pay extra for that

      To do

  • get on their listserve
  • send in suggestions

    Analogies & Thoughts

  • sausage : difficult to watch and has to be done and will create a result
  • Communication is good
  • 30s (millions) is target for next year

    Layoffs and Attrition

  • when we know the long term goals then we can better shape the targets
  • personnel way we can then use attrition and shift
  • we have control over non-personal side and we can get those savings
  • 2011 is a scary year as the ability to use soft way
  • No labels