On Orpheus node

  • orpheus7
  • I have not created the apache-res yet
  • Cluster Resources
    Group: tcweb-managed-infp-rg orpheus7           Online
    Resource: tcweb-managed-infp-ip-res orpheus7    Online  Online - LogicalHostname online.
    Resource: tcweb-managed-infp-cron-res orpheus7  Online  Online
  • I have not created the apache-res yet

Restart instructions for tcweb-managed-apache (On Orpheus7)

sudo /global/tc/app/tcweb-managed-apache/apachectl configtest
sudo /global/tc/app/tcweb-managed-apache/apachectl graceful
sudo /global/tc/app/tcweb-managed-apache/apachectl stop
sudo /global/tc/app/tcweb-managed-apache/apachectl start

Directory Structure

apachectl << script to start/stop/graceful/configtest
.. /conf/vhosts << virtual hosts for cyanpps, tcx-managed

  • No labels