Floating Flocs Meeting Minutes

Spring 2009 Minutes

April 3, 2009

Working Group: Sand Filter

  • Wrote meeting minutes
  • Combined aeration group with sand filter group
  • Former aeration group members were briefed on the sand filter method
  • Talked to Monroe about parameters we should be looking at
  • Talked to Professor Cowen about modeling drag on irregular objects
  • Talked to Professor Stewart in the Geotech. department about getting sand
  • Talked to Paul about making a new bubble collector
  • Made a rough drawing of a new automated bubble collector
  • Decided that depth was the least important factor in our initial experiments
  • Obtained soil of mixed grain sizes and separated them via sieves
  • Confirmed automated bubble collector design
  • Need to build new bubble collector and get it up and running
  • Need to figure out how to control valves and pumps in Process Controller
  • Might need to get a new pump
  • No labels