Created by user-4ba37, last modified by user-c501f on Mar 06, 2009
Floating Floc Meeting Minutes
Spring 2009 Minutes
March 6, 2009
Working Group: Bubbles
- Wrote meeting
- Collected data
- Ran several experiments simulating the different stages in the pipe leading to the grit chamber and the grit chamber
- Spoke with Monroe
- Spoke with Paul
- Found that DO probe is working properly
- Found that cracks in the lid aren't a problem.
- Dissolved Oxygen probe possibly malfunctioning
- Data collected doesn't make sense according initial theory
Working Group: Sand Filter
- Acquired concrete data on the performance of the device
- Began altering sand depths in column and observing the effects on bubble formation
- At 200mL/min, the column reaches its optimum extraction of air after 20 minutes
- Ran tests at different flow rates for ten minute intervals; found that the higher the flow rate, the more bubble extraction there was, which means that more dissolved oxygen was extracted
- Obtained more data
- Spoke to Monroe about getting more supplies to improve the setup
- Obtaining and installing a new DO probe
- Redesigning setup to improve quality of data; installing a pressure probe on top of the bubble chamber and finding a method to automatically remove air from the bubble chamber between runs
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