General Program Information
Input Definitions
Inputs Needed to Call the Inlet Slope Function
origin - A 3*1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the inlet slope will be drawn.
Length - length of the slopes, generally the width of the sedimentation tank
Width - width of the slopes, generally the width of the sedimentation tank
lorifice - length of the opening that will allow inlet flow
horifice - height of the opening that will allow inlet flow
thick - thickness of the slopes
n - number of orifices and sections, one section contains one orifice
bigslope - slope of the inlet in degrees
Inputs Defined within the Inlet Slope Function
dim =
*x: Length/2
*y: thick
*z: (Width/2)/cos(bigslope)
boxdim = origin + dim
orificeorigin =
*x: origin0 + dim0/2 - 1orifice/2
*y: origin1
*z: origin2
orificedim =
*x: origin0 + dim0/2 + 1orifice/2
*y: origin1 + dim1
*z: origin2 + horifice
mirrorpoint1 =
*x: origin0
*y: origin1
mirrorpoint2 =
*x: origin0 + zc
*y: origin1
nrow = 1
ncol = n
dist =Length/n
win1 =
*x: origin0 - zc
*y: origin1 - zc
*z: origin2 - zc
win2 =
*x: origin0 + dim0 - zc
*y: origin1 + dim1 - zc
*z: origin2 + dim2 - zc
Note: zc corresponds to the zoom constant used within AutoCAD, defined by the basics file.
Technical Program Outline
viewtop - sets the workspace so that the user is viewing the top of the object.
viewtop <-- viewtop
zoomwin- zooms on a window space directly around where the inlet slope is to be drawn.
zoomwin <--zoom win(win1, win2)
win1 =
*x: origin0 - zc
*y: origin1 - zc
*z: origin2 - zc
win2 =
*x: origin0 + dim0 - zc
*y: origin1 + dim1 - zc
*z: origin2 + dim2 - zc
box1 - draws a box
box1 <-- box(origin, boxdim)
origin = origin
boxdim = origin + dim
box2 - draws a box that will be subtracted to become the orifice
box2 <-- box(orificeorigin, orificedim)
orificeorigin =
*x: origin0 + dim0/2 - 1orifice/2
*y: origin1
*z: origin2
orificedim =
*x: origin0 + dim0/2 + 1orifice/2
*y: origin1 + dim1
*z: origin2 + horifice
Southeast Isometric View, Before subtract1
Southeast Isometric View, After subtract1
subtract1 - subtracts box2 to create an orifice, using the origin to select box1 as the object to be subtracted from, and using orificeorigin to select box2 as the object to be subtracted
subtract1 <-- subtractD(origin, orificeorigin)
origin = origin
orificeorigin =
*x: origin0 + dim0/2 - 1orifice/2
*y: origin1
*z: origin2
Southeast Isometric View, Before array
Unable to render embedded object: File (6.bmp) not found.
Southeast Isometric View, After array
array - replicates the piece n times, with a spacing of dist between each
array <-- arrayB(origin, nrow, ncol, dist)
origin = origin
nrow = 1
ncol = n
dist =Length/n
union - Unites all the individual components of the inlet slope to act as a single unit
union <-- unionallA
rotate - rotates the inlet slope about the x-axis, with the origin as the pivot, 45 degrees. Information about the rotate3d function can be found in the [Basics Help Page].
rotate <-- rotate3d(origin, origin, "x", 45)
mirror - replicates the original inlet slope drawn by selecting the original inlet slope using the origin, then reflecting it over a mirror line created using to give the slope and direction of the mirror line.
mirror <-- mirror(origin, mirrorpoint1, mirrorpoint2)
origin = origin
mirrorpoint1 =
*x: origin0
*y: origin1
mirrorpoint2 =
*x: origin0 + zc
*y: origin1