Scope: This procedure consists of step-by-step instructions for various Holdings maintenance tasks normally performed by Database Quality Unit (DBQ) staff and students.
Contact: Pedro Arroyo
Unit: Database Quality
Date last reviewed: 10/20/2021
Date of next review: October 2022
Call Number Corrections
Location Corrections
Oversize Corrections
A. Call Number Corrections
To change a call number on a mismarked book, check the explanatory note inserted in the book, then do the following:
1. Update the FOLIO Record:
- Search book by title, call # or barcode.
- Verify that the Instance record matches the book, and that the barcode matches the one on the book,
- If they do not match, return book to the DBQ unit supervisor.
- If they do not match, return book to the DBQ unit supervisor.
- If the Instance matches, click on View Holdings, then Actions -->Edit.
- Make changes to the Call number field as indicated in the note in the book. For correct format, see call number examples .
- In the Holdings Notes section, add a Transaction Note for POST-CAT maintenance (,,mc).
- Save and Close the Holdings.
- Open the Item record. Make sure that the call number and copy numbers match the newly-revised ones from the Holdings record..
2. Update the Book:
- On the inside cover of the book and/or on the reverse side of the title page, change the call number to match the one in the Holdings record, adding or removing copy numbers as appropriate.
- Cross out the call number on the book's label.
- Insert a location flyer in items processed for unit libraries.
- Insert a pink DO NOT COUNT flyer in items for Olin/Uris/Kroch libraries.
- Place book directly on the typing table in the Physical Processing unit.
B. Location Corrections
1. Update the FOLIO Record:
- Search book by title, call # or barcode.
- Verify that the Instance record and barcode in the Item record match the book. If one or both do not match, return book to DBQ unit supervisor.
- In the Holdings record, change the location code in the Permanent location field, as indicated in the note in the book.
- In the Holdings Notes, add a Transaction Data-type note for post-cat maintenance (,,mc).
- Save and Close Holdings.
- In the Item record, change the Permanent Location field so that it matches the new location in the Holdings record.
- Save and close the item record.
2. Update the Book:
- On the inside cover of the book and/or on the reverse side of the title page, change the old location to the new location, using the appropriate spine label designation.
- Cross out the call number on the book's label.
- Insert a location flyer in items processed for unit libraries.
- Place book directly on the typing table in the Physical Processing unit.
C. Oversize Corrections
Update the FOLIO Record:
Search book by title, call # or barcode.
1. Update the Voyager Record
- Verify that the Instance record matches the book. If it does not match, return book to the DBQ unit supervisor.
- Check the dimension(s) of the item in the 300 field and/or measure the book. Consult the Oversize Chart for appropriate oversize designation (+, ++, +++, #, FLAT, etc.).
- Display the Holdings record.
- Verify that the call number in the Holdings record matches the call number in the book. If it does not, return book to DBQ supervisor.
- Update the call number prefix and/or suffix fields in the Holdings according to the guidelines and examples in the Oversize Chart.
- Save the Holdings record to the database.
- Display the Instance record and click Actions-->Edit
- Add an Administrative Note for Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
- Save the Instance record.
2. Update the Book
- On the inside cover of the book and/or on the reverse side of the title page, edit the call number (including the prefix and suffix) according to the examples in the "On Spine" column in the Oversize Chart .
- Cross out the call number on the book's label.
- Insert a location flyer in items destined for unit libraries.
- Insert a pink DO NOT COUNT flyer in items for Olin/Uris/Kroch libraries.
- Place book directly on the typing table in Physical Processing to be re-marked.