Christian Rodriguez Individual Contribution Page
The goal of my project team is to develop a computer application that can be used with a camera to track changes in size and flock of water in the water treatment facilities. The application ought to be easy to use for the operators of this plant and be used to periodically collect data about the the plant or to find particular faults in the facility.
The primary objective for this semester is to become acquainted with the LabVIEW software. So far, I have learned the basics of LabVIEW and plan to become better acquainted with other features of the program such as configuration files, shift registers, and state machines. It will also be of great use to learn how to use different VIs in a single project.
"Semester" Contributions"
As practice, I created one VI that converts Fahrenheit inputs to Celsius outputs as long as the user doesn't press a stop button. I later created a program that converts user input for inches into centimeters and periodically adds the centimeter value to a chart for 100 seconds, terminating either after the 100 seconds have passed or when the user clicks the stop button.