Serena Takada's Individual Contribution Page
Subteams: Design/Small Scale Plant Model (Spring 2015)
Spring 2015 Contributions
This semester I will be co-leading the Design Team and leading the Small Scale Plant Model Team. For the Design Team, I will continue working on the materials list. For the Small Scale Plant Model Team, I will repair the small scale plant model we have now and to work towards creating a new sturdy travel size plant model.
Fall 2014 Contributions
This semester I will be working on the Design Team and the Small Scale Plant Model Team. For the Design Team, I will reorganize the Mathcad Script for the Sedimentation Tank that so we can easily determine elevations, especially in the sludge drain and floc hopper. I will also modify the design of the Sedimentation Tank to simplify the fabrication process. Also for the Design team, I will work towards creating a materials list. For the Small Scale Plant Model Team, I will repair the small scale plant model we have now and to work towards creating a new sturdy travel size plant model.
Summer 2014 Contributions
This summer was my first time working with AguaClara and the Design Team. First, I learned how to use the Automated Design Tool with the help of Meghan, the Design Team leader. Eventually, I updated the Automated Design Tool to include the revisions in the Sedimentation Tank, Stacked Rapid Sand Filter, and Chemical Dose Controller.