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Honduras Interns Progress Report
Date: 3/28/08
Location: Tamara

Ojojona - Carol
Follow up on monitoring
We went to Ojojona on Friday March 15th to have a meeting with the Junta, Alcaldia and APP.
The alcalde was present as well as three representatives of the alcaldia (regidores), A few members of the Junta were there, about 4. Arturo, Canales, Antonio, John and I were also present.
Discussed were some of the problems between the Junta and the Alcaldia. The main point of the visit was to facilitate the election of the new junta. One of the goals of APP is that the new Junta and the alcaldia be on friendlier terms to help ensure the sustainability of the water treatment plant.
The re-election will occur on Saturday April 12th.
While the raise in tariff is still our main concern, it was decided that this subject would best be put on hold until the new Junta was in place. We have already given presentations to all the barrios that are on the payaguagre water system.
When we were at the meeting on March 15th a load of sulfate and chlorine was delivered. So the plant at Ojojona now has a stock of sulfate, about 12, 25kg bags.
The Junta in Ojojona now has a brochure made specifically for the plant at Ojojona. Something they can use to promote the raise in tariff.
Float valve for AguaBlanca
Me and Antonio went about two weeks ago to start a project to install a float valve in the AguaBlanca system of Ojojona.
When we returned a week and a half later the data was collected half heartedly, and isn't what we needed. John returned on Thursday March 27th and we are going to give them another chance to collect data in order to install a float valve.

Capacitations - Entire Team
The second capacitation was on Tuesday March 11th from 1 - 5. This time a member of the municipal government and the health promoter from the health center were present. The capacitation covered the processes of the plant and the parts of the plant using the pilot plant. Also covered was the concepts of mili, and kili as well as how to make a concentration and a little bit about what concentration signified.
The next capacitation will be on Tuesday April 8th and will cover dosing and use of the tables.
We have had a good turn out for the capacitations but are almost always missing members of the junta.

New Communities - Carol
Community standing/more information on New communities
Ciudad Espana
We visited Ciudad Espana on Monday March 24th and found that the old Junta had "resigned" and that the Municipal government had taken charge until a new Junta could be elected. There had not been water for 4 days and the community was furious. The reason for the lack of water is questionable, but there are rumors that the Junta shut the water off to try to force late payments of the majority of the community.
Ciudad Espana is now a community that is on hold until a new Junta is elected and a relationship can be formed.
While an almost perfect community in regards to technical requirements there appeared to be some questions on the functioning and organization of the Junta that resigned.
While we are still keeping Moroceli in mind, Antonio passed by Zanmorano and was told that things continue to pass the same. There is still no water reaching the new tank. We are unsure of whether a new Junta has taken over or not.
Making connections
Antonio still seems very interested in having a meeting with USAID. He is thinking about asking Arturo if he can take charge of contacting USAID. When the meeting in the states happens it wouldn't hurt to mention that we would be more than willing, even excited to present to the Honduran side.
Peace Corp
Twice I have emailed Martin Rivera about possibly getting peace corp site information by emailing the peace corp volunteers. I have yet to receive a response. I'm thinking about calling the office, I am pretty sure they have good information about each site that a peace corp volunteer is stationed in.
Presentation to Potential Communities
The presentation is scheduled for Thursday April 17th. (invitations went out Thursday March 27th)
It will be held in Tegucigalpa and will be an all day information session.
Communities that were invited: Zambrano, 4 comunidades, Cantarranes (San Juan de Flores), Talanga, Mate de Platano, Agalteca, Monte Redondo, Villa de San Francisco (central). See below for Ciudad Espana.
3 members of each Junta or organization responsible for the water system are invited. Also present will hopefully be the Rotarians from the states and a few members of APP.
It will be from 8:30 am till 2 pm with provided transport from the APP office to the designated location along with refreshments and lunch.
First there will be a presentation about the plant, a break down of the cost of construction of a plant as well as raise in tariff based on flow rate. This has yet to be created and we will be sure to say that these are merely projections and not actual estimates as each community will differ.
We will go over the prerequisites and have an exercise suggested by Arturo where the community will rate where they stand on each point. Then they will see where they rank compared to each community and where their weaknesses are.

Float Valve Installation - Carol & Antonio
Communities currently monitoring their chlorine use and residual include: Ojojona, Tamara (La Flor), Zambrano, and 4 comunidades (see below for Ciudad Espana).
In Zambrano they were using a tablet system but for about a year have been just throwing the tablets in the tank. They have a new tank with no hipoclorador. We are returning next week to install a float valve with a 55 gallon drum to act as a hipoclorador, which the community is purchasing.
The 4 comunidades are not chlorinating at the moment because the hipoclorador is not yet fully functioning, we are hoping they will start in the coming week.
I have started on a guide to making the chlorine tables for Antonio and future Hondurans trying to make tables.

Meeting with Arturo on Monday March 31st to discuss the future of the project and basic idea of the AguaClara concept paper
Collect health data for Tamara
Plan for presentation and capacitation
Make a description of the operator (Antonio)
Antonio will think a bit about the ideal operator and the responsibilities that s/he will have and write that up so we have a clear idea to present to communities about what to look for.