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Tank Drawing Script

viewtops - sets the workspace so that the user is viewing the top of the object

viewtops <- viewtop1

layer1 - Layernew creates a new grey layer "tank."

layer1 <- layernew("tank", grey)

Wiki Markup
{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!tank1.bmp|width=500px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]
Northeast Isometric View

tank1 - Calls the Tank Program to create a tank based on three inputs.

Note: p1 is a dummy variable used only in the program help section to designate the matrix below.

tank1 <- Tank(PlantOrigin, p1,TPlantWall)

PlantOrigin =

p1 =

  • x: LSed
  • y: WSed
  • z: HSed

TPlantWall = 0.15m

Wiki Markup
{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!sed tank box 1.bmp|width=500px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]

boxt - Creates a box based on two points.

boxt <- box(PlantOrigin,sedbottomboxdim)

PlantOrigin =

sedbottomboxdim =

  • x: -LSed
  • y: WSed
  • z: outerdiameter(NDSedSludge)

NDSedSludge = Sludge pipe diameter in sedimentation tank

uniont - UnionallA selects all the objects in the workspace and unions them into a single object.

uniont <- unionallA

layerset - Layerset selects the layer that the user is currently working in.

layerset <- layerset("0")

layerfreeze1 - Layerfreeze locks the selected layer so that it cannot be edited.

layerfreeze1 <- layerfreeze("tank")