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h3. Abstract

A sedimentation tank is planned to be connected in series with the flocculator at the pilot plant. This sedimentation tank will allow us to isolate the process in the AguaClara design that needs to be optimized to allow us to achieve our overriding goal of consistently producing water under 1 NTU. Building this sedimentation tank allows for us to test not only the flocculation process but the sedimentation tank for design efficiency. Testing will include not only the traditional lamella design of sedimentation tanks but also the alternative of sludge blanket based sedimentation tank designs. These two processes will be tested side by side in parallel flow sedimentation tanks.

h3. Introduction

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{anchor:plant leveling tank connection}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1080.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1080.jpg]
h5.Overall View of the Sludge Blanket Sedimentation Tank
The pilot plant sedimentation tank will be a vertical flow style tank and will only use a sludge blanket as its removal mechanism. This tank will be the first time that an AguaClara team has used a sludge blanket instead of plate settlers. As with other AguaClara designs, the tank will be run by the elevation head in the flocculator tank and will not require electricity. There are several design restraints due to the current set up at the pilot plant. There are 33.25'' of available water head at the end of the floculator which are available for our use. The piping connection between the flocculator tank and sedimentation tank also cannot have a shear value that exceeds the max shear in the last baffle section ( GMax= 48.826 /s), or else the flocs made in the last section will be broken up.  

h3. Sludge Blanket Sedimentation Tank Design

The design of the tank was done during the Spring 2008 semester. The sedimentation tank was designed to be contained in a polyethylene tank of dimensions 24" x 24" x 36" (length × width × height) with a wall thickness of about 5/16". The design goal was to have enough area in the tank to create a sludge blanket. With the available water level height, approximately the same height as the water level in the floc tank, we did not have enough room to include plate settlers. Initially we wanted to split the plant flow rate (110 L/min) in half, allowing us the possibility of installing two parallel sedimentation tanks for experimentation purposes, but we found that a flow rate of 55 L/min into the tank would require a 6 inch pipe to transport water from the floc tank to the sedimentation tank to avoid breaking up flocs. Due to cost restraints (a six in bulk head fitting would cost about $300) we had to limit this pipe to being 4 inches, and we did that by lowering the flow rate of the sedimentation tank down to 24.5 L/min. This constraint on the inlet pipe and flow rate required us to switch to a smaller tank than originally planned. This change was necessary to obtain an upward velocity of 100m/day. This low flow and smaller tank set-up will allow for parallel testing of tanks containing different sedimentation processes.

Given Variables:
* Length (L) = 23.125"
* Width (W) = 23.125"
* Height (H) = 36"
* Water Level (WL) = 33.25"
* Flow Rate (Q) = 24 L/min

Below is an AutoCAD drawing of the proposed sedimentation tank design.
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{anchor:plant leveling tank connection}[!Pilot Plant Construction and Research^CAD drawing of sed tank.JPG|width=200px!|Pilot Plant Construction and Research^CAD drawing of sed tank.JPG]
h5.AutoCAD drawing of the Sludge Blanket Sedimentation Tank.
Below is a table of the calculated pipe dimensions and other calculated design parameters. The method behind each number can be found in the following design.
|| Parameter || Value ||
| Inlet Pipe | 4 in |
| Launder Diameter | 1.5 in |
| Number of Holes | 15 |
| Hole Diameter | 19/64 in |
| Tank Drain Diameter | 0.75 in |
| Number of Holes | 15 |
| Hole Diameter | 9/64 in |
| Leveling Outlet Pipe Diameter | 3in |
| Weir Height | 5cm below sed tank WL |
| Hopper Removal Diameter | 0.5in |
| Hopper Removal Line Length | 2m |
*Upward Velocity:*
The upward velocity parameter determines what size of floc particles are removed from the sedimentation tank. Thus in order for our design to be comparable to existing sedimentation tank design Vup needs to be the same. Vup was set to be 100m/day. From this we calculated the flow rate through the tank to achieve this Vup.
Given that there are no lamella the calculations for this are fairly straight forward.
{include:Vup No Lamella}
From this equation the flow rate was determined to be 24 L/min.

*Inlet Pipe Calculations:*
To determine the diameter of the inlet pipe we used the constraint that the maximum shear due to minor losses had to be less than Gav in the last section of the flocculator (Gav = 24/s). The predominant minor losses from the inlet pipe will occur at the exit point and the elbow. The minor loss coefficient for the elbow is 0.9 and the exit is 1.0 so K was set to be 1.0 for this design. The equation to calculate shear due to minor losses in a pipe is shown below. This equation is solved for D, the diameter of the pipe that would provide shear equal to Gav. The equation used is very similar to the equation used to find the baffle spacing for the flocculator.
{include:Inlet Pipe Diameter}
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:inlet}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1081.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1081.jpg]
h5.Inlet Channel From the Floc Tank to the sedimentation tank.
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{anchor:inlet2}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0984.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0984.jpg]
h5.Entrance Elbow to the bottom of the Sedimentation Tank
K = 1.0 (minor loss for an exit)
* This equation was derived from a series of substitutions that can be seen above.
* The head loss term that is found in the above derivation is assumed to include only minor losses. The minor head loss for this pipe is assumed to be the dominating factor because the pipe is designed to be relatively short in length and the bends and exit are our major sources of shear, the primary locations where floc break up would occur.
* The velocity equals Q/A for the pipe.
* The residence time term is found to be the volume over the flow rate through that volume.
* The volume used was assumed to be the cross sectional area of the pipe times 2 diameters of the pipe.

Note: Initially during preliminary design with a large tank, we were using 55 L/min as the plant flow rate, and MathCAD returned that the pipe diameter would be 5.11 inches to achieve the desired Gav value. Due to the cost of 6 inch bulkhead fittings (nearly $300), we had to find an alternative design. We decided to lower the flow until a pipe with inlet diameter equal to 4 inches was achieved. We found that the maximum flow for these conditions is 24 L/min, so we changed the flow rate of the sedimentation tank.  The option of multiple inlets was considered but this was discarded because then 2 - 4 bulk head fittings would be needed. Thus, the overall flow of the tank was lowered and a smaller tank was chosen.

*Launder Calculations:*

*Pipe Diameter*
The effluent launder will span the length of the tank about 4in off of the center of the tank. The launder is placed 2 in beneath the water level. This value was chosen so that enough water head would be available to allow for relativley equal flow through the lauder orrifaces and so that a majority of the tank height would be available for the sludge blanket. The diameter of the effluent launder was calculated by iterating through pipe diameters to find the existing diameter of pipe that gave the desired flow rate and orifice holes. The diameter was selected based on the following equation:
{include:Manifold diameter}
* Qratio is assumed to be 0.92, this indicates that flow through the first orifice will be 92% of the flow through  the last orifice.
The best pipe diameter is 1.5 inches. The number of orifice holes was tweaked until the orifice hole diameter would match up with a drill bit size and still gave the proper amount of head. (equations for this can be seen in the following section) This head loss was defined to be about 5 cm, or the head available above the launder. If the head loss through the launder orifices exceeded the available head, we would have encountered issues because the water in the outlet system would have had less energy than the surrounding system, which would have effected the flow rate and caused air to collect in the outlet pipe. The total number of orifices was determined to be 15.

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{anchor:inlet2}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0975.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0975.jpg]
h5.Effluent Launder
*Orifice Diameter*
The orifice equation was used to determine the necessary area of the orifice that gives the correct amount of head and matches with an existing drill bit size. The flow rate used in this equation was the total plant flow rate divided by the number of orifices. The minor loss coefficient for an orifice is assumed to be 0.63. The head loss   term in the equation is total head available less the head loss in the manifold pipe less the velocity component of head loss through the pipe.
This area, was then converted into a diameter. This value was a rounded to the next smallest drill bit size. The diameter of each orifice was figured out to be 19/64".
{include:Orifice Area for Launder}
*Orifice Head Loss*
The head loss due to the orifice is an important parameter because it effects how evenly the water will flow through the orifices. Thus we back calculated the actual head loss achieved given the diameter adjustment that was made to achieve an existing drill bit size.
The head loss through the orifice was calculated by using the following equation:
{include:Headloss through Orifice}
D is the diameter of the orifice (19/64 in), the minor loss coefficient of the orifice is 0.63, and the flow is the flow through one of the orifices. The minor loss for an orifice was calculated to be 4.54 cm. The head loss through an orifice is parallel to other orifices, so you do not add the head loss in each orifice. So the water level in the plant leveling tank will be approximately 4.54 cm since the launder orifice head loss will be significantly larger then the losses in the piping system between the two tanks.

*Secondary Outlet from the Flocculator*
The flow rate of the sedimentation tank is designed to be 24 L/min, but the plant flow rate is designed to be 110 L/min. This means that excess flow needs to bypass the sedimentation tank and go directly to the existing outlet in the flocculation tank. A large outlet weir is our proposed design for this alternative exit. Because the head loss out of the sedimentation tank is relatively high (5 cm through the manifold and 13.7 cm out of the plant leveling tank) a small height variation (on the order of mm) of the water in the floc tank will have a negligible effect on the sed tank flow rate.

Since the flow rate into the floc tank has been measured to be anywhere between 70 L/min to 110 L/min, It was important to check whether the height of water in the floc tank could change enough to effect the flow rate to the sedimentation tank. If the accessory weir is required to take in a smaller flow rate, the water height in the floc tank will lower. This is the equation that describes the water height above the weir as a function of the flow rate.
{include:Height above Weir}
Where Cw is a constant (equal to 0.611+0.075*(H/Pw) where H is the height of water above the weir and Pw is the weir height), Q weir is the plant flow rate minus the sed flow rate, and the available perimeter was set to  be 120 cm. In order to minimize changes in the floc tank, the perimeter will be established by cutting a pipe laterally and letting water flow over the the cut out, down into the trough and then out the existing 3" outlet. When this was calculated we got a water height above the weir of 7.6 mm, which is small enough when compared to the head loss in the launder to assume that it will not affect the flow rate into the sedimentation tank.

*Hopper Design for Sludge Blanket*
Given the calculated amount of sludge the tank will create, a continuous sludge drainage system was created. This was done to decrease the size of the hopper in the tank. It was desired to keep the hopper small so that there would be minimal disturbance in the tank. We created a parameter, PhiFloc, which is the ratio of how much the alum flow rate relates to the the volume of flocs created in a certain amount of time. The value (0.016) was taken from the mathCAD file used to create the ideal Gmax versus Gtheta curve. The majority of a sludge is assumed to be made of alum, and the flow rate of alum is approximately 20 mL/min. Therefore, the rate of sludge build-up is the sedimentation flow rate times PhiFloc.
{include:Sludge Accumulation Rate}
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{anchor:hopper design}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1082.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1082.jpg]
h5.Sludge Hopper and Suspension Ring
When calculated, the sludge volume accumulated over two days was determined to be 1.105 x 10^3 L. We have decided to create this hopper with a conical funnel with flex-hose connected at the bottom. This small funnel will continuously drain sludge out of the tank and into the outlet panel. The hose will be 2m long and 1/2" in diameter. The diameter was determined using the manifold equation used in the design of the effluent launder design.

*Plant Leveling Tank*
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:plant leveling tank connection}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0979.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0979.jpg]
h5.Connection to Plant Leveling Tank
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:plant leveling tank}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0974.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0974.jpg]
h5.Plant Leveling Tank
The plant leveling tank will handle the outflow from both the sludge blanket tank and the plate settler tank. Using one leveling tank and identical inlet and outlet piping for the two tank ensures identical flow (assuming that the head loss through the tanks themselves are negligible). We decided to make the head loss into the leveling tank the dominant head loss through the system, which then sets the flow rate through the sedimentation tanks. Our design for the outflow system was an elevated 3'' pipe with an orifice cut into the pipe below the water level. Using the orifice equation, with the flow set at 24 L/min, and using a predetermined safety factor of 18, a desired head loss of 13.673cm was found by multiplying the height of water over the weir in the floc tank by the safety factor. This head was used to determine the orifice size (7/8"). The orifice equation used was the same as used for the flocculator outlet but converted to a circular perimeter from a rectangle.

*Tank Drainage Manifold*
In order to allow for the entire tank to be drained of water quickly a tank drainage system was established. This system was designed to be very similar to tank tank systems used in Honduras. The set is basically equivalent to the effluent launder except this manifold is located at the bottom of the tank. Flow rate was set to allow the tank to drain in 30 minutes.
{include:Tank Drainage Flow Rate}
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:tank drain manifold}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0983.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_0983.jpg]
h5.Tank Drain Manifold
This flow rate was established to be 19.425 L/min.
By the same method as was used for the tank effluent manifold the manifold diameter was determined to be 0.75" and the orifice diameter is 9/64".
* The available head the available head for the sludge ports is the total water depth (33.25") minus the head loss in the manifold and minus the velocity head at the end of the manifold.
* Kminor was assumed to be 0 in the manifold and 0.63 in the orifices.
\*Qratio = 0.90
* 15 orifices were assumed to be uniform with the effluent manifold.

h3. Results

{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:Sludge Judge}[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1085.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Tank^IMG_1085.jpg]
h5.Sludge Judge Results after one week - notice The thicker sludge seen at the bottom
The first sedimentation tank containing the sludge blanket has been constructed. Flocs are enteringenter the tank and do not appear to be breaking up, upon entrance so it has been determined that our entrance pipe calculations are reliable. The hydraulics of the design also seem to be working correctly. Water levels are where they were calculated to bereach and the entrance to the plant leveling tank itis flowing full at the appropriate level. This was a concern given the limited amount of head that was available between the sedimentation tank and plant leveling tank (only about 5cm). We also measured the flow rate of the sedimentation tank and the hopper, and both were very close to the design rates.
Over the past week we have been observing how the sludge blanket has been forming. Sludge has been piling up slowly and a suspension of flocs has begun to form. By the end of the first week it was very clear that a thin sludge blanket had formed in the tank. Although some floc were noticed to still be making it up to the effluent manifold a large number of flocs were being captured by the sludge blanket. The flocs forming the blanket were veryrelatively large, up aboutto 1.5 cm in acrossdiameter. The top of the blanket was forming around the level of the sludge hopper. This tells us that the hopper is indeedsuccessfully controlling the level of sludge in the tank. ItHopefully iswith hoped that given more more time for development that the sludge blanket performance will improve as the sludge blanket thickens, and the smaller flocs noticed toward the top of the tank will be captured.

While theIt tank was observed runningthat upward flow through the tank seemed slightly faster in the front corner of the tank by the effluent manifold. Upon tank draining, it was observed that the sludge at the bottom of the tank formed conical shape. The evenness of the conical shape demonstrates that flow seems to be flowing uniformly out of the inlet and up through the tank, and thus the slight increase in flow noticed at the top of the tank is not significant, and it is not leading to a large amount of scour at the bottom of the tank. Flow irregularity is something to watch fora concern because it is one of the main causes of blanket instability and poor blanket formation.

h3. Issues for Honduras

It is important to consider possible issues pertaining to the implementation of a sludge blanket into the Honduras treatment plants. One concern is the length of time it takes to develop a fully functional sludge blanket, and what to do with the water that goes through this sedimentation tank, but probably has a high turbidity. It needs to be determined how long this could take, and explore the option of using a combined sludge blanket and lamella design to continue sedimentation when the sludge blanket is not fully functional. Another issue is the reliability of the sludge blanket. If there is a period of time when either the influent water is clean, or for some reason alum is not being added, it is important to know if the sludge blanket will be able to sustain itself, or what might happen. If the sludge blanket does not sustain itself, and a new sludge blanket has to be created, then this could make a substantial period of time when the sedimentation tank is not producing clean water. This is also a reason that a combined sludge blanket and lamella tank may be superior.

When and how excess sludge in the sludge blanket is drained is an additional issue that will need consideration. It seems unlikely that a continuous drain, like the one we are currently experimenting, will be a good idea, because there is likely to be too much water wasted. An adequately sized hopper will be necessary, and hopefully located in an area that will minimize the disruption of uniform upward flow. It will also be important to determine what may happen if the hopper is not emptied in the designated time frame. There should be an adequate safety factor before the sludge blanket rises to the point that it affects the output of clean water.

Unfortunately the sedimentation tanks are deep, which will make it difficult to visually determine what the sludge blanket looks like, and its height. A reliable method of assessing these issues must be created, and will likely be as simple as providing a "sludge judge", as pictured in the section above. Even with the use of the "sludge judge" it may still be difficult to see all that is happening with the sludge blanket, and because sludge blankets seem to be fragile, it will be very important that plant operators adequately understand how to maintain sludge blankets.   

h3. Design of the Sedimentation tank with Lamella

A preliminary design was done for the lamella tank. It can be seen below. This design is still under review to determine if this algorithm was truly the best way to calculate the length of the lamella. It is intended that another design will be created that does not assume a set b (baffle spacing) value. The possibility of plates set very close together instead of a grid set-up is also being considered.

The same tank size was used for the lamella design as was used for the sludge blanket design. The lamella were designed to be constructed in a grid versus the plate lamella used in previous designs. This was done to ensure that a Vup of close to 100 was met.

The inlet design, the effluent launder design, tank drain design will all be the same as for the sludge blanket sedimentation tank. The only difference is that the inlet will have to enter the tank below the lamella and thus two 22.5 degree angle bends are to be used to lower the inlet pipe level from where it exits the floc tank to where it needs to enter the sedimentation tank. This tank was designed to be versatile and the lamella placed close enough to the top of the tank to allow for the possibility that a sludge blanket could be formed underneath the lamella if desired.

*Lamella Design*
The lamella were designed out of corrugated plastic. Flow was designed to move upward through the grid of channels in parallel. The dimensions of the material proposed for use are listed below.
* b = 10.5mm - the distance between corrugations
* w = 6.96mm - the width of the channel (same as the width of the material)
* thickness = 0.40mm - the thickness of the plastic material
* alpha = 60 deg
* epsilon = 0.003mm

The first step in the lamella design was to determine the size of the lamella needed. A method very similar to the  the one used to determine the correct pipe size for the effluent launder was used to find length of the lamella. The equation for lamella length is implicit and thus the correct length was iteratively determined.
The implicit equation used can be seen below:
{include:Lamella Length}
The following two equations were substituted into the above main equation.
Number of lamella sheets needs to fill the tank:
{include:number of lamella sheets}
The number of cells in on sheet of lamella given the tank size:
{include:N cells per sheet (lamella)}
The target Vup value was 100m/day. This was left constant instead of being updated with each iteration. This was done because the program would not converge otherwise. After the program returned the converging value of Lamella Length, the active upward velocity and critical upward velocity needed to be calculated. The active upward velocity is different from the target upward velocity because the dead zone created from the lamella angle has to be taken into account. The active length of Lamella, active upward velocity and critical velocity were calculated using the following equations:

Insert equation for active length of lamella.
{include:V up active Lamella length}
{include:Crtical Velocity}
The initial program of used to determine the lamella length returned the total length of the material placed at an angle of 60 degrees. For construction uses and determination of the inlet position we needed to determine the vertical height of the lamella. For this calculation the follow was used:
{include:Vertical Lamella Height}
{include:Flow Through Lamella Sheet}
|| Dimensions || Resulting Values ||
| Lamella Length | 13.717cm |
| Vup Active | 128.027m/day |
| V critical | 19.233m/day |
| Vert. Lamella Height | 11.879cm |
| tot. Num. Sheets | 75 |
| Active Lamella Length | 0.519m |
| Num. Active channels per sheet | 39 |

h3. Future Research

The goal of this project is to determine the most efficient method of sedimentation. The two technologies that have been considered are sludge blankets and lamella. There are some concerns about building a sedimentation tank that relies solely on a sludge blanket. It takes time to build up a sludge blanket that works well, especially if the incoming water has a low initial NTU. Also if an improper alum dose if given to the flocculator for any amount of time the sludge blanket may disappear, removing the only method of sedimentation. Having  some addition settling mechanism such as lamella would help with with settling during the times when the sludge blanket is not performing well. It is the goal of this project for this summer and  the upcoming semester to determine the reliability of sludge blankets and determine how difficult would be to maintain a sludge blanket even during times when turbidity is low, if alum is not being dosed correctly, or if only small flocs are being produced.

Other research projects include trying to develop methods that would encourage faster formation of sludge blankets for example large porous screens that could be placed in the tank. This could help form a blanket faster than in an empty tank.

Possible modifications of the sludge blanket tank include: lowering the continuous flow sludge removal rate to minimize water waste, optimizing sludge blanket performance by modifying the blanket height and installing a clay solution feed to increase inflow turbidity to better mimic conditions in Honduras.   

After construction of the lamella sedimentation tank research will be done to see if anything can be done to improve setting in this design. We also want to analyze the possibility of forming a sludge blanket underneath the lamella. The combination of these technologies seems like a viable option.

Inline Turbidity meters can hopefully be procured to test the outgoing turbidity from each sedimentation tank. This will allow for the testing how well sedimentation tanks perform over time and during various conditions, such as how well the the flocculator is working or how dirty the water is to begin with.