Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


4.  If you are withdrawing only certain parts or supplements from the Holdings, Edit the appropriate Holdings Statement(s) to reflect ONLY those holdings that are retained.  If you are withdrawing all parts of a multipart monograph or serial, however, retain the Holdings Statement information as is. 

5.  Save the Holdings record.


3.  For multipart monographs and serials, note item Enum/Chron information for the Holdings withdrawal note (if you have not already), and delete the Item records as described in step 2 above.  

**Do not delete any item records for material that is NOT being withdrawn.**

IV. Physical Disposal

1.  If you have the physical pieces in hand, stamp them "Withdrawn",  For books, the stamp can go on the inside front or back cover, title page, verso, or some combination of the above.

2.  Route the withdrawn, stamped pieces as follows: 

    • Place print serials in the recycle bin.
    • Send all items that with a "Federal Publications" sticker, or "Depository" stamp, or have a "D" penciled on the cover, title page, or other preliminary pages, to the LTS Documents supervisor.
    • Place all other items on the "Withdrawn Items" items cart in 110 Olin, to be sent to the Annex for donation.      

V. Special Cases: State-Supported Libraries, publisher requests, and Batch Withdrawals:


II. Single Part Item and Complete Multipart Item Transfers (for Partial Multi-Part Transfers, see section III III  below)

  1.  Display the Instance Record
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Enter an Administrative note for transfers using the format: date:yyyymmdd ttype:t userid:[netid] ploc:lts  The macro for this is ,,t
  2.  Display the Holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.  If there is any discrepancy between the piece and its records, consult with the DBQ supervisor.
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Change the Permanent Location field to the new location.  
    3.  If needed, add an appropriate copy number in the Holdings record.
    4. Add a Holdings Note (with Note type: Noteshowing which collection the piece originally came from, and the date it was transferred.  Make sure the "Staff only" box is checked:

** Exception: Not all transfers to the Annex require the Holdings notewill reflected in Holdings notes, as large-scale transfer projects and book-moves can make it burdensome to add notes to every Holdings record.  LTS staff are still encouraged to add transfer should add these notes for manual transfers whenever possible, however, as the information may be useful in the future.

e.  Check the Oversize Chart for prefixes and/or suffixes appropriate for the new location, if applicable, and adjust the Call Number Prefix/Suffix fields accordingly.


  Make sure to make the same modifications to the written call number in the piece, if applicable (see final steps below).

f.  Save the Holdings record.

3.  Display Item record. (After making and saving the appropriate changes to the Instance and Holdings)  

    1. Change Permanent Location field to match the newly-changed location in the holdings record.
    2. Edit the Permanent LoanType, if appropriate -- e.g.: when transferring a title to or from a "Non-Circulating" reference collection. If you are transferring a title to a (Rare Annex #12a) location (e.g. "rmc,anx"), set the Item Type to "Non-Circulating". (NOTE: These are the only Annex locations for which the Item Type should be set to "Non-Circulating")
    3. If the item status is checked out, missing, lost, etc., consult with the DBQ supervisor, or check the piece in to change the status to "Available".
    4.  Save the Item record
    5.  Repeat the above steps for each item record associated with the transfer. 

4.  Search the database to verify that the old call number is NOT already in use for the new location. If it is, add publication date and work letter to the call number in the Holdings and on the piece in hand, or work letter only if call number already contains a date.  Consult with DBQ supervisor if needed.

Make sure to re-mark and re-label the piece if you make modifications to the call number.



III. Partial Multipart Item Transfers  

  1. In the Instance record, add the Administrative note for Transfers as described above (best to use the macro ,,t, but as with Withdrawals, add "pcs:" to the end, showing how many were transferred)
  2. Display the holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.
  3. Delete the volumes and/or numbers to be transferred from the original Holdings statements, INCLUDING supplements and indexes, if applicable.
  4. Save changes to original Holdings record.
  5. Display the holdings record that matches the NEW (destination) location and copy number. If there is no holdings record for the new location, skip to step 10 below.
  6. Verify that the destination Holdings record is not suppressed from discovery. If it is, UN-CHECK the "Suppress from Discovery" box.
  7. Add the appropriate "Transfer From" note to the Holdings Notes of the destination record (Note type: Note), as in the above example, but note which volumes were transferred. (e.g. "Vols. 3 and 4 transferred from Echols Ref.")
  8. Add the volumes and/or numbers to be transferred to the appropriate Holdings Statements of the destination Holdings record.
  9.  Save the destination Holdings.
  10. If there is no holdings record for the new location and copy number (including ANX locations, if you are transferring items to the Annex), create and edit one. Be sure to:
    • Check the Oversize Chart for prefixes and/or suffixes appropriate for the new location.
    • Search FOLIO to verify that the old call number is not already in use for the new location. If it is already in use, add a w suffix to the last cutter in the call number, or consult with a cataloger or DBQ staff.
    • Add an appropriate transfer note, with volume numbers, to the Holdings note, as in the above example.
    • Include appropriate Holdings statements for volumes, supplements and indexes.


E. Medium Rare Annex

See Instructions for Rare Annex Transfers Processing (LTS Procedure #12a) AnchorFFF. Additional Steps: Special Cases

1.  Lost and missing titles:

Instructions for Rare Annex Transfers Processing (LTS Procedure #12a)


F. Additional Steps: Special Cases If you delete the sublocation "anx", edit the Permanent Location on the item record(s) to match the Holdings Permanent Location.

2.  Open purchase orders: when withdrawing or transferring serials, and for all reinstatements, check to see if there is an open purchase order for the title:


Save the record to the database.

1.  Lost and missing titles:

If you delete the sublocation "anx", edit the Permanent Location on the item record(s) to match the Holdings Permanent Location.