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Download Package, Documentation, and Tutorial Examples here

Please contact John Treichler for training.


JetStream is a java library for GDS2. It will create, read/write, and view GDS2 files. It will also read in v30 (Jeol ebeam) files. To use JetStream download all files in the link and follow the instructions in JETStream.docx. . Via pyjnius the JetStream library functions can also be accessed from python programs. CNF has installed Python3 and the ipython interpreter for accessing JetStream library functions via Python.

JetStream is installed on the CNF Conversion Computers.



On the CNF conversion computers, to start the ipython interactive interpreter with an environment setup for JetStream, type in the following command:

Code Block

If you have not previously run the "jetstream" command or if you have cleared out your ipython "profile", the above "jetstream" command will re-setup the appropriate ipython startup files. You will see "Setting up yoru ipython environment for jetstream" in the output:

Code Block
$ jetstream
Setting up your ipython environment for jetstream
Python 3.6.3 (default, Jan  9 2018, 10:18:08) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

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