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  • Each user must fill out the application located on CISER's web site:
  • As of 8/1/13, the sign-up form has change dramatically from when the below text was written. Thus, use the below text as a guideline only. :-)
    • Note: It is possible to complete the application both with and without a NetID
    • Indicate that you have a valid Cornell NetID and click "Continue"
    • Fill out the "Contact Info" and "Academic Info" appropriately and click "Continue"
    • Select "For Research"
    • For the "Affiliated Faculty" information, give your PI's name and Net ID (Cornell professor)
    • In the "Comments" box on the bottom of the page, please write, "Add to Arts and Sciences' annual subscription" so that CISER will assign your account to a prepaid subscription through the College of Arts and Sciences
    • Click "Continue" and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the account
  • Indicate your appropriate NetID status. (If you don't have one, indicate that first and read the sub-bullet point below.)
    • Indicate that you do not have a valid Cornell NetID and click "Continue"
      • In the case when a NetID is not available, CISER will generally use your last name for the account and limit the account activity for the time period you are visiting Cornell, but can extend by request if collaborating further (4/26/13, JanetH). Contact ChemIT if you have any questions or concerns if you fall in this category.
    • Fill out
    • the "Contact Info"
    and "Academic Info" as appropriate.
    • appropriately
    • Under "
    Type of Account:", select "For Research".
  • Under "Affiliated Faculty:", enter your PI's name (Cornell professor).
  • Under "Faculty Netid:", put down your PI's NetID (Cornell professor).
  • Under the text entry, "Comments, explanation of "other" status, special requirements:", please write, "Add to Chemistry's annual subscription."
    This text instructs CISER to assigns your account to CCB's specific subscription.
  • Oliver will be notified when you apply, but you are welcome to let <crcf> know you've applied. :-)
    • Cornell Affiliation Info" give the name, NetID, and college of your PI (Cornell Professor)
    • In the "Comments" box, please write, "For Chemistry and Chemical Biology research. Add to Arts and Sciences' annual subscription" so that CISER will assign your account to a prepaid subscription through the College of Arts and Sciences.
    • Click "Continue" and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the account

You are welcome to contact to let us know that you have applied for an account.

Please do let ChemIT know if you find this service helpful or if you find something that gets in the way of it being a useful service.
