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  • Formatting was changed.
Wiki Markup
For descriptions of wiki macros see the [userguide|]. However, note that not all of these macros are installed on this site.

For an example of a formatted paper see the paper on the [Process Controller]. I am still working on developing our standard for formatting and will continue to edit this article as I discover new techniques.

Collapsible headings make navigation through a large document easy.

h1. Title for your paper

Author: Sir Clean Water []

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Abstract} Abstract

Enter your abstract here.
The Vertical Flocculator Pilot Plant division of the Research and Development team has constructed and is working on testing a turbulent-flow hydraulic flocculator and rapid mix unit at the Cornell University Water Treatment Plant (CUWTP). A flow control module and sedimentation tank are also being added at adjacent parts that will work in conjunction with the main flocculator. Prior to the construction of the present tank, flocculation research was done on a small scale, laminar flow tube flocculator. In order to test flocculation under turbulent flow conditions the pilot plant hydraulic flocculator was built. It is a rectangular tank that is divided into three sections that are filled with vertical baffles similar to the baffles used in Ojojona, Honduras. The vertical baffles were spaced using equations written in a MathCAD program created to test for different velocity gradients, G and amount of mixing, Gtheta. An alternative baffles set-up was also created that has varying baffle spacings, where the baffles get farther and farther apart through the tank. The previous setup has a baffle spacing of 6.45 cm with 27 baffles per section. The new set- up is split into four sections with four separate baffle spacings. After preliminary testing, it was determined that the tapered spacing is more efficient and just as affective in a shorter residence time. Settling tubes were designed to measure flocculation performance at different locations in the tank. Through manipulation of the flocculator flow rate, it will be possible to manipulate G. The effects of changing the parameter Gtheta can be easily measured by varying the location of the sedimentation tubes. This setup will allow a systematic method to identify an optimal combination of the two parameters and verify their roles in efficient flocculation. Our goal for efficient turbidity removal is defined as NTU < 1. A sedimentation tank is also being constructed to work in conjunction with the flocculator and thus allow for testing of the entire aguaclara process. A flow control and measuring unit is also being added to the flocculator. The digital flow meter is currently in place will be used to test the accuracy of the flow control device that is in place in Honduras.

Keywords: turbulent-flow, hydraulic flocculator, rapid mix, vertical flocculator, Cornell Water Treatment Plant, velocity gradient, Gtheata, efficient flocculation, efficient turbidty removal, tapered flocculation flow control device, sedimentation tank.


h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Introduction} Introduction

Enter your Introduction here.

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Methods} Methods

Enter your Methods here. Note the use of nested cloak commands to have an entire large section with cloaked sub headings.

h3. {toggle-cloak:id=First Level 3 heading} First Level 3 heading

{cloak:id=First Level 3 heading}
Enter your text for first level 3 heading here.

h3. {toggle-cloak:id=Second Level 3 heading} Second Level 3 heading

{cloak:id=Second Level 3 heading}
Enter your text for second level 3 heading here.

(this closes the Methods cloak)

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Results} Results

Enter your Results here.

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Conclusions} Conclusions

Enter your Conclusions here.

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=ExampleTable} ExampleTable

{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=250px}
{anchor:analog wiring standard}
h5. Wiring standard used for combining power supplies and analog data acquisition in a Category 5 Ethernet cable.
|| *T-568B standard* || *T-568A standard* || *voltage* ||
| white/orange | white/green | S\- |
| orange | green | S\+ |
| white/green | white/orange | ground |
| blue | blue | \-5 V |
| white/blue | white/blue | \+5 V |
| green | orange | \+10V |
| white/brown | white/brown | \-15 V |
| brown | brown | \+15 V |
Here is an example table. I refer to the table by creating an internal link (an anchor) that will take the viewer to the top of the table. For example here I am talking about the [#analog wiring standard] that we use in the AguaClara laboratory. Note that I position the floating table above the paragraph where it is first referenced so that it appears along the side of that paragraph. I haven't figured out an automatic way to set the width of the table. Currently I am doing it by trial and error. If someone figures out a better way, please edit this\!

h2. {toggle-cloak:id=Figures and captions} Figures and captions

{cloak:id=Figures and captions}
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=200px}
{anchor:output control box}[!Process Controller^stampbox.jpg|width=200px!|Process Controller^stampbox.jpg]
h5. Basic Stamp® microprocessor control box with ports for 6 on/off devices and 6 variable speed peristaltic pumps.
An [#output control box] designed and fabricated around the Basic Stamp® Microprocessors (Parallax 16 port BS2sx and 40 port BS2p BASIC Stamp® modules) is used for on/off control of up to six devices and for variable control of up to six peristaltic pumps.

The [float macro|] keeps the graphic and the caption together and floats the figure on the page with text wrapping around it automatically. Because the top of the figure will align with the text that the float is above, I recommend insert the figure wrapped in the float macro immediately above the paragraph where the first reference to the figure occurs. This will place the figure along side the paragraph with the reference. Use anchors to refer to the figure just like you would use "Figure 11" refernces in a conventional manuscript. There is no way to implement auto numbering of the Figures so for now don't even bother to use numbers in the Figure. Instead, in the body of the report where you first reference the [#output control box] add an anchor link that connects to the Figure. Use heading 5 for table and figure captions. This makes it possible to generate a list of tables and figures. Note that there is no numbered Figure reference in the caption. Also note that the image is a hyperlink to the full size original image. If the image is from a different source file the hyperlink should be to the original source file such as a MathCAD or Excel sheet.

In this example I set the size of the float and the size of the image to 200px. The viewer can see the full image by clicking on it.

You can also use the [chart macro|#chartmacrodemo] to create a chart dynamically within the wiki.
{float:right|border=2px solid black|width=250px}
ylabel=velocity (m/s)|
xlabel=time (s)|
{excel:file= testachart^testchart.xls}
h5. Bogus models showing the relationship between velocity and time.